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Etnicidad y autonomía en Cherán K'eri: una reflexión horizontal

In 2011, the inhabitants of the town of Cherán (Michoacán), tired of the dispossessions they suffered at the hands of organized crime, spontaneously initiated not only a process of self-defense, but also an unprecedented political project for their self-determination as an original and autonomous P'urhépecha community. This case raises the question that guides this paper: How to understand Cherán's autonomous political project from an ethnic perspective?

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La guerra en Ucrania. Miradas desde América Latina

The escalation of the conflict in Eastern Europe following the invasion of Russian troops into Ukrainian territory on February 24, 2022 has immediately become a crisis of global dimensions and consequences. Although Latin America and the Caribbean are supposedly far from the war, they are not exempt from the impacts and political or economic repercussions.

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Corona in Lateinamerika

This volume analyzes the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the policy measures related to its containment in Latin America and the Caribbean. The contributions highlight the consequences of the pandemic in terms of social inequalities, gender relations, violence against women, migration, democracy, human rights, protest mobilization and environmental policy.

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Políticas, afectos e identidades en América Latina

This new volume of the CLACSO-CALAS collection focuses on the articulation between politics, affects and identities. The contributions that integrate it reflect on the affective as a constitutive but not immutable component of human bonds and individual and collective identities.

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(Post-)colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines

The Puerto Rican debt crisis, the challenges of social, political, and economic transition in Cuba, and the populist politics of Duterte in the Philippines—these topics are typically seen as disparate experiences of social reality. Though these island territories were colonized by the same two colonial powers—by the Spanish Empire and, after 1898, by the United States—research in the fields of history and the social sciences rarely draws links between these three contexts.

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Bordar, cantar y cultivar espacios de dignidad: ecologías del duelo y mujeres atrateñas

This book presents a compelling mix of personal memories and stories of black women that makes visible armed and structural violence, racism and resilience. Personal and collective narratives, threaded with a critical anthropological and feminist look at the armed conflict and its impacts in Chocó, are joined by the productions of black women academics on this territory.

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Mara Viveros Vigoya: El Oxímoron de las clases medias negras. Movilidad social e interseccionalidad en Colombia

Addressing the existence of a black middle class in Colombia is not only difficult but an apparent contradiction, an oxymoron, because black people are inevitably imagined as poor and "lower class". But are there not other class experiences within this population? In order to respond to the research gap on this social group, this essay examines the configuration of the black middle classes since the late 1930s, based on life histories of members of three generations of families from the Pacific and Caribbean region who identify themselves as part of this class.


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Henry Veltmeyer: América Latina en la vorágine de la crisis. Extractivismos y alternativas

This essay is an extended inquiry into the dynamics of development and resistance unleashed by the advances of extractivism, a form of capitalism characterized by a multidimensional crisis of global scope. Extractivism takes many forms, but the epicenter of extractivism in its most recent incarnation is Latin America. The region has been the main target of its negative socioecological impacts, but also the setting of the most powerful forces of resistance.

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¿Latinoamérica y Paz? Propuestas para pensar y afrontar la crisis de la violencia

Peace is a concept that is not usually associated with Latin America. Rather, various forms of violence, whether criminal, state, economic or cultural, are commonly associated with the region. The studies gathered here emphasize that, although the subcontinent is historically affected by these serious crises, it is also characterized by important attempts to confront them and seek forms of peaceful coexistence. The analytical perspective developed here understands peace as always intertwined with violence and proposes it as a continuous effort of resistance.

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De guerrilleros, subversivos y terroristas: Discursos sobre la violencia en el Juicio a las Juntas (Argentina, 1985)

This working paper seeks to contribute to the reflection on the meaning of the Judgment and at the same time to contribute to the social and political history of language in Argentina

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Ciclos de violencia y género: los momentos de conflicto en América Latina como generadores de identidad de género

This study suggests that correct female behavior was a type of public discourse in Latin America; thus, when women broke with these traditional norms, they provoked "moments of anxiety".

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Las caravanas centroamericanas. Guerras inciviles, migración y crisis del estatuto de refugiado

Images of the caravans of Central American migrants crossing the continent to reach the U.S. shocked media audiences around the globe. Associations were inevitable with the war in Syria and other countries that have provoked comparable displacements of people. The migrants' testimonies stated that they were fleeing violence, lack of employment, government corruption, a social crisis akin to a state of war.

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