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Lista de publicaciones CALAS 2019


Briones, Claudia. 2019. Conflictividades interculturales. Demandas indígenas como crisis fructíferas. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José / Quito / Buenos Aires: CALAS.

Corona Berkin, Sarah. 2019. La producción horizontal del conocimiento. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José / Quito / Buenos Aires: CALAS.

García Canclini, Néstor. 2019. Ciudadanos reemplazados por algoritmos. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José / Quito / Buenos Aires: CALAS.

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Lista de publicaciónes CALAS 2018


Kaltmeier, Olaf. 2018. Refeudalización. Desigualdad social, economía y cultura política en América Latina en el temprano siglo XXI. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José / Quito / Buenos Aires: CALAS.

Rohland, Eleonora. 2018. Changes in the Air. Hurricanes in New Orleans from 1718 to the Present. New York: Berghahn.

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Lista de publicaciónes CALAS 2017


Martín Barbero, Jesús y Corona Berkin, Sarah. 2017. Ver con los otros. Comunicación intercultural. Mexico: FCE.


Libros y Revistas compilados 

Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen y Izquierdo Quintana, Osnaide (coords.). 2017. Trabajo decente y Sociedad. Cuba bajo la óptica de los estudios sociolaborales. Cuba: Universidad de La Habana.

Corona Berkin, Sarah (coord.). 2017. “¿La imagen educa? El recurso visual de la Secretará de Educación Pública.” Guadalajara, México: Editorial Universitaria. 

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¡Aquí los jovenes! Frente a las crisis

In Latin America, 60% of the population is under 30 years of age. This demographic fact, in itself, demonstrates the importance of youth and adolescents in the region. However, the young people represented in public and media discourses are often criminalized, infantilized and shown, in a reductive way, as problematic people or groups destined for consumption.

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Sarah Corona Berkin: La producción horizontal del conocimiento

This text ratifies that knowledge does not pertain to a particular discipline or region of the world. The Horizontal Construction of Knowledge refers to the vigor that social knowledge acquires when it is based on the disciplinary dialogue with the voices of the multiple knowledges possessed by those who live and overcome the social problems that afflict them. Research that responds horizontally to social questions contributes in two ways: it produces new knowledge, and new relationships between people.

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Néstor García Canclini: Ciudadanos reemplazados por algoritmos

Who worries about us as citizens? Many parties and unions seem to be reduced to domes that distribute prebends. Since the expansion of video politics, television channels complaints and social criticism of those in power, reducing us to spectators. The networks promise horizontality and participation, but they tend to generate highly intense and short-lived movements.

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Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux: La crisis política en la Argentina

The debate about the Social Security Reform, approved in December 2017, initiates the current political crisis in Argentina. The parliamentary process revealed strong tensions, which were heightened, a few months later, regarding the agreement with the International Monetary Fund. The text deals with the positions at stake and their inscription in antagonistic discursive formations, based on the ways of referring to the outside of the premises, the memories that are triggered and the semiotization of emotions.

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Edgardo Lander: Crisis civilizatoria. Experiencias de los gobiernos progresistas y debates en la izquierda latinoamericana

In the context of the profound civilizational crisis that humanity is experiencing, there is also a severe crisis of the left in different parts of the world. The alternative proposals that were represented by the so-called progressive governments in Latin America fundamentally failed in terms of the transformative objectives they set for themselves.

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Claudia Zapata: Crisis del multiculturalismo en América Latina

Has the life quality for the Indigenous peoples in Latin America improved after three decades in which legislation has been developed to recognize them? Statistical information and the increase of social conflictivity in the indigenous territories leads to the negative answer on that question.

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