Otros | CALAS


Pasados perennes, futuros inciertos: Estados y democracias fallidas en América Latina

Este libro explora el estado de salud de las instituciones estatales y la democracia en la América Latina contemporánea. En los tres primeros capítulos, se evalúan diversas dimensiones de los derechos humanos, el medio ambiente y la política; particularmente, se revisa la situación de las democracias latinoamericanas, señalando algunos temas centrales en el impasse democrático, como el debilitamiento de las instituciones, la polarización y el avance de las políticas disruptivas en los casos de México, Guatemala, Perú y Argentina.

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Héctor M. Leyva. Vida Acosada

Este libro explora, a partir de la lectura de testimonios, algunas de las experiencias de violencia más acuciantes actualmente en Centroamérica y México. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otras partes del planeta, la violencia padecida en la región se manifiesta en una variedad de modos testimoniales y se visibiliza en los medios de comunicación locales y globales.

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Biodiversity – Handbook of the Anthropocene in Latin America II

Biodiversity should not be understood in biological terms only and as a thing apart from society, but rather as biocultural diversity present in the social world and in various cultures. Such a perspective might allow to relieve social conflicts as well as abuses of power, and slow the appropriation of the biosphere. This volume of the Handbook »The Anthropocene as Multiple Crisis« focuses on biodiversity in the main macro-regions of Latin America from the colonial regime to the contemporary era of the Anthropocene.

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Land Use. Handbook of the Anthropocene in Latin America, Vol. I

Socio-ecological conflicts about land use in Latin America are complex: they involve various actors and flare up due to the dynamics of colonization, spatial appropriation, and the commodification of land. This volume of the Handbook »The Anthropocene as Multiple Crisis« focuses on land use in the main macro-regions of Latin America from the colonial regime to the contemporary era of the Anthropocene.

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Democracias asediadas. Golpes de Estado en América Latina (siglos XX y XXI)

Mientras que el siglo XIX y, especialmente, el siglo XX en Europa pueden ser interpretados como una era de grandes guerras interestatales, suscitadas entre los Estados nación de ese continente,1 los doscientos años de vida independiente de los Estados nación latinoamericanos, y particularmente el siglo XX, se caracterizan por la sucesión de conflictos intraestatales: guerras civiles, guerrillas, golpes de Estado y gobiernos dictatoriales-militares. 

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Elites, política y desigualdades en América Latina

Los efectos de la pandemia de covid-19, junto con la vigencia política del progresismo y la pervivencia de la protesta social, han vuelto a subrayar la cuestión de las desigualdades y, con ella, la de las elites. Investigadoras e investigadores del Laboratorio de Conocimiento “Confrontando las desigualdades en América Latina: Perspectivas sobre riqueza y poder explorar estas dimensiones en el tema central del número 303 de la revista Nueva Sociedad, desde diferentes ángulos y perspectivas.


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FIAR Vol. 15.2 (Dec. 2022) Struggles over Mining and Territory in Latin America

The nexus between extractivist activities, mining conflicts and territory has become increasingly visible and discussed both in social movements and local struggles as well as in academic debates, especially in Latin America (Göbel y Ulloa 15).

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Violencias y resistencias. América Latina entre la historia y la memoria

Historical studies of violent pasts in Latin America are intrinsically connected to memory studies and, more broadly, to memory politics and memorial cultures. Struggles to explain the construction of the present reflect how societies constantly seek to reinterpret their past, leading to strong political debates and conflicts. The question of how to deal with traumatic past experiences, often related to political violence, has become an issue of great social relevance in many Latin American countries.

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La horizontalidad en las instituciones de producción de conocimiento: ¿Perspectiva o paradoja?

Every knowledge producer linked to an institution has experienced the imperatives that, through rules and hierarchies, channel the production of knowledge and limit the results generated there.

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Figuraciones de la violencia. Sociología de novelas latinoamericanas

The relationship between sociology and literature has always been characterized by conflicts and complementarities. Since the end of the 19th century, a new episteme on the knowledge of reality and the unrealities that configure it has been consolidated. Whether as a challenge to understand the "human comedy" or as a way of discovering the unconscious, commodity fetishism or the enigma of modernity, sociology and literature have walked the crossroads of the sociological imagination.

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La guerra en Ucrania. Miradas desde América Latina

The escalation of the conflict in Eastern Europe following the invasion of Russian troops into Ukrainian territory on February 24, 2022 has immediately become a crisis of global dimensions and consequences. Although Latin America and the Caribbean are supposedly far from the war, they are not exempt from the impacts and political or economic repercussions.

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Corona in Lateinamerika

This volume analyzes the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the policy measures related to its containment in Latin America and the Caribbean. The contributions highlight the consequences of the pandemic in terms of social inequalities, gender relations, violence against women, migration, democracy, human rights, protest mobilization and environmental policy.

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(Post-)colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines

The Puerto Rican debt crisis, the challenges of social, political, and economic transition in Cuba, and the populist politics of Duterte in the Philippines—these topics are typically seen as disparate experiences of social reality. Though these island territories were colonized by the same two colonial powers—by the Spanish Empire and, after 1898, by the United States—research in the fields of history and the social sciences rarely draws links between these three contexts.

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¿Latinoamérica y Paz? Propuestas para pensar y afrontar la crisis de la violencia

Peace is a concept that is not usually associated with Latin America. Rather, various forms of violence, whether criminal, state, economic or cultural, are commonly associated with the region. The studies gathered here emphasize that, although the subcontinent is historically affected by these serious crises, it is also characterized by important attempts to confront them and seek forms of peaceful coexistence. The analytical perspective developed here understands peace as always intertwined with violence and proposes it as a continuous effort of resistance.

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Libro de Proyectos La Salud y el Bienestar

This book is an invitation to school communities (students, teachers and families) to build within the school practices a general project that aims to reflect, problematize and propose solutions generated from the school context in order to improve eating habits and well-being as biopsychosocial processes.

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Poscolonialismo a prueba. Cuba, Puerto Rico y las Filipinas desde una perspectiva comparada

This volume examines the social, political, economic and cultural legacies of the last three colonies of the Spanish Empire: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The three former colonies offer an ideal setting for applying a comparative framework of analysis, insofar as they coincide in that their long-term colonial experiences were shaped by the same colonial powers and, moreover, converge in the difference of their geographical contexts and in their postcolonial trajectories.

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Horizontality in Perspective: Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier and Sarah Corona Berkin

In 2012, the book "En diálogo. Metodología horizontales en las ciencias sociales y culturales." (In Dialogue: Horizontal Methodologies in Social and Cultural Sciences), coordinated by Sarah Corona Berkin and Olaf Kaltmeier, was published almost simultaneously in Mexico and Germany (Methoden dekolonialisieren. Eine Werkzeugkiste zur Demokratisierung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot).

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Paisajes en transición

"Paisajes en transición" (Landscapes in transition) is the result of a sensorial exploration with eyes, notebook and cameras through territories and places of extermination in contemporary Mexico, as well as the ways in which they are intervened and re-signified by those who were traversed by violence, but who are not resigned to the passivity of the victim. In the midst of the pandemic that has installed a state of exception to the whole world, the story of this other emergency emerged, more deeply rooted and less visible.

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100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber:Commemoration from the Americas

This volume of fiar: forum for interamerican research, partly evolved out of the CALAS platform for dialogue "The Latin American Left in the 21st Century: Looking Back to the Future.”


Jessé Souza (Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo): 100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber: Commemoration from the Americas (Introduction).

Wolfgang Schluchter (Heidelberg University, Germany): How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond

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¿Cuándo pasará el temblor?

Violence and conflict are structures that appear continuously in the history of Latin America and have also become drivers of social change. From the time of Latin American independence, violence was manifested as a product of both colonial inheritance and inequality, as well as the confrontation of new political projects inspired from Europe and adapted locally. These unresolved conflicts dragged on from the 19th century to the 21st century, readapting themselves as a product of new conflicts generated by Modernity.

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