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Poscolonialismo a prueba. Cuba, Puerto Rico y las Filipinas desde una perspectiva comparada

This volume examines the social, political, economic and cultural legacies of the last three colonies of the Spanish Empire: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The three former colonies offer an ideal setting for applying a comparative framework of analysis, insofar as they coincide in that their long-term colonial experiences were shaped by the same colonial powers and, moreover, converge in the difference of their geographical contexts and in their postcolonial trajectories.

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Las crisis en el desarrollo económico de Cuba

Since the dissolution of the European socialist bloc, the Cuban economy has been in a deep crisis that continues to be aggravated by the brutal trade and economic blockade by the United States. For more than 30 years, the island's government has been seeking to adapt its economic model to combine stability and growth with health, universal education and social justice.

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Religiones y espacios públicos en América Latina

Latin America, like many other regions of the planet, is undergoing a recomposition of the relations between the sphere of religion and the public space, of the boundaries and relations between these spaces, and of the entities involved in these relations (the State, the public and the religious).

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Modalidades de memoria y archivos afectivos: Cine de mujeres en Centroamérica

The productions analyzed here are characterized, as is natural, by varied cinematographic planes, some more poetic than others, but in all of them there is a direct participation of the body and subjectivity in the processes they narrate, places where data persist that a sociological statistical count is not enough. All these women have produced poetics of interference filmed sparingly, with few resources and stripped of stridency.

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Horizontality in Perspective: Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier and Sarah Corona Berkin

In 2012, the book "En diálogo. Metodología horizontales en las ciencias sociales y culturales." (In Dialogue: Horizontal Methodologies in Social and Cultural Sciences), coordinated by Sarah Corona Berkin and Olaf Kaltmeier, was published almost simultaneously in Mexico and Germany (Methoden dekolonialisieren. Eine Werkzeugkiste zur Demokratisierung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot).

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Klaus Meschkat: La crisis de los regímenes progresistas y el legado del socialismo de Estado

Progressive regimes find themselves in a serious crisis. Those who are not satisfied with denouncing the predictable machinations of "imperialism" should seek the internal reasons for the failure of the proclaimed "socialism of the 21st century". Why have such regimes, which owe their emergence and early successes mainly to the mobilization of the masses, been unable to maintain the active support of the majority of the population? The answer is sought here by resorting to the record of the Latin American left.

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Jeffrey Gould: Entre el bosque y los árboles. Utopías Menores en El Salvador, Nicaragua, y Uruguay

This book presents cases of social experiments in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. In these spaces, where horizontal and multi-class communication flourished, Jay Winter's concept of minor utopias is suitable. This essay is inspired by Winter's important work, tracing what he calls the "visions of partial transformation," which coexisted temporarily with the great narratives of social transformation, but then lost their proper place in the historical record.

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Pablo Alabarces Pospopulares: Las culturas populares después de la hibridación

The book offers an in depth balance of the debates that have organized the studies on Latin American popular cultures for the last thirty years. Simultaneously, it proposes new perspectives in times of crisis for the category: the central question is what does the popular mean today? The relationship between popular cultures and mass culture has changed radically in this century, in a way not foreseeable by classical texts.

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León Enrique Avila Romero: Alternativas al colapso socioambiental desde América Latina

Latin America is facing a serious environmental crisis, which is leading the subcontinent to a collapse, understood as a shift in society and in the current way of living. This ecological crisis has been intensified by the entrenchment of the neo-liberal economic model and neo-extractivism, which has led to a dispute over common goods.

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Claudia Briones: Conflictividades interculturales. Demandas indígenas como crisis fructíferas

Fake news, populisms, environmental risks due to the anthropocene are radiating signs of disconcerting crises in recent years. Which other questions should be asked in order to face the uncertainties and concerns that they open up to us? Which new approaches are being rehearsed in the social sciences to confront the challenges we face? Where can we look for more precise and alternative definitions?

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Paisajes en transición

"Paisajes en transición" (Landscapes in transition) is the result of a sensorial exploration with eyes, notebook and cameras through territories and places of extermination in contemporary Mexico, as well as the ways in which they are intervened and re-signified by those who were traversed by violence, but who are not resigned to the passivity of the victim. In the midst of the pandemic that has installed a state of exception to the whole world, the story of this other emergency emerged, more deeply rooted and less visible.

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100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber:Commemoration from the Americas

This volume of fiar: forum for interamerican research, partly evolved out of the CALAS platform for dialogue "The Latin American Left in the 21st Century: Looking Back to the Future.”


Jessé Souza (Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo): 100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber: Commemoration from the Americas (Introduction).

Wolfgang Schluchter (Heidelberg University, Germany): How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond

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Horizontalidad. Hacia una crítica de la metodología

To propose today a book on horizontality as a methodological perspective of work in social sciences and humanities implies to see with the spatial metaphor that the word invokes: between a background of vision at the same height of all and a predilection of future, of objective that is crossed out in advance by its own sign: the horizon is always beyond.

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Lista publicaciones CALAS 2020


Alabarces, Pablo. 2020. Pospopluares. Las culturas populares después de la hibridación. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José / Quito / Buenos Aires: CALAS. (próximamente)

Ávila Romero, León Enrique. 2020. Alternativas al colapso socioambiental desde América Latina. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José / Quito / Buenos Aires: CALAS. (próximamente)

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