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Elissa J. Rashkin

Elissa J. Rashkin (PhD, Communication Studies, University of Iowa, USA) is a researcher at the Center for the Study of Culture and Communication at the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.She is the author of Atanasio D. Vázquez, photographer of the post-revolution in Veracruz (Instituto Veracruzano de la Cultura, 2015), "Women filmmakers in Mexico. El otro cine" (Universidad Veracruzana, 2015) and "La aventura estridentista.


Antoine Acker

Antoine Acker is a Swiss National Science Foundation Eccellenza professor at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, where he leads a team project about the transnational history of petroleum in Latin America. His publications in environmental history received awards from the Conference on Latin American History and the Latin American Studies Association.

Recent publications


Volkswagen in the Amazon: The Tragedy of Global Development in Modern Brazil. Cambridge University Press (Global and International History series), 2017. 


Horizontality in Perspective: Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier and Sarah Corona Berkin

In 2012, the book "En diálogo. Metodología horizontales en las ciencias sociales y culturales." (In Dialogue: Horizontal Methodologies in Social and Cultural Sciences), coordinated by Sarah Corona Berkin and Olaf Kaltmeier, was published almost simultaneously in Mexico and Germany (Methoden dekolonialisieren. Eine Werkzeugkiste zur Demokratisierung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot).


Regina Horta Duarte

Regina Horta Duarte has been a full professor at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, in Brazil, since 1988, and is currently a permanent professor of its Graduate Program in History. She has experience in History, focusing on the Brazilian Republic, history and nature, the history of biology, and animal history. She was a member of the board of the ANPUH, Brazilian History Association (2007-2009), as editor-in-chief of the Revista Brasileira de História. In 2008, she held the position of Resident Professor at the Institute of Transdisciplinary Advanced Studies, UFMG.


Ricardo A. Gutiérrez

Ricardo A. Gutiérrez holds a bachelor’s in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires and a doctorate in Political Science from John Hopkins University. He is professor and dean of the School of Policy and Government at UNSAM and lead investigator at CONICET (Argentina).


José Augusto Pádua

José Augusto Pádua is professor of Brazilian environmental history at the Institute of History, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where he is also coordinator of the Laboratory of History and Nature. From 2010 to 2015, he was president of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Studies on Environment and Society (ANPPAS).


Anthony Goebel Mc Dermott

Anthony Goebel McDermott holds a PhD in History from the University of Costa Rica. He serves as Professor in the School of History and as investigator at the Center for Central American Historical Investigation (CIHAC) of the same university, where he also forms part of the investigative team for the program Environment, Science, Technology, and Society (ACTS) Intersection between Environmental History and Social Studies of Science, Technology, and Society (CTS). Currently he acts as director of the Central American Postgrad in History at the University of Costa Rica.


Cecilia Ibarra

Cecilia Ibarra is an industrial civil engineer of the University of Chile. She specialized in management of technology and innovation, focusing in professionally on the processes that accompany technological change. Later, she received her doctorate in Science and Technology Policy Studies from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom and, currently, is engaged in investigation. Her area of work includes the processes of technological change and governance, specifically on themes related to climate change from a historical focus.



Adrián Zarrilli

Prof. Dr. Adrián Zarrilli is a professor and Doctor of History from the National University of Quilmes, Argentina. Investigator of the National Board of Scientific and Technical Investigation, he serves as associate professor at the National University of Quilmes and La Plata. His postdoctoral studies took place at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). He has acted as professor of postgraduate programs in universities throughout Latin America and Europe.


Chamada: Cátedra CALAS-IEAT

Está aberta a chamada, a ser realizada anualmente, para o Programa de Cátedras CALAS-IEAT, promovido pelo Centro Maria Sibylla Merian de Estudos Latino-americanos Avançados (CALAS) e pelo Instituto de Estudos Avançados Transdisciplinares (IEAT) da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). O programa é administrado pelo IEAT e patrocinado pelo CALAS. A Cátedra abarca uma estadia de três meses do pesquisador no IEAT.
