Claudia Otazua Polo

Claudia Otazua Polo works as a communication assistant at the Center for Advanced Latin American Studies, María Sibila Merian (CALAS). She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Camagüey, Cuba, and a master's degree in Communication from the University of Guadalajara.

She is consultant for the Revista Mexicana de Comunicación of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa.

Research interests

  • Social Imaginaries
  • Photography
  • Tourism


2019. Photography and Tourism in the era of mediatization. Revista Mexicana de Comunicación. (143).

2017. Meta-analysis of the main journals in the field of communication. Memorias ICOM-Cuba.

2015. Semiotic analysis of Cuban emigrants' photographs posted on the social network Facebook. Memorias ICOM-Cuba.