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Cátedra CALAS/Cuba


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Proyecto de investigación / Research project:

Volume: Biodiversity

The biodiversity of Latin America has been a fundamental factor in the invention and colonization of the Americas. Up until recently, the flora, fauna, and biomes of the region were considered laboratories for various processes and dynamics related to globalization, from the so-called "Columbian Exchange" through to biopiracy and up to the implementation of new forms of agroforestry like the plantations or, finally, the cultivation of GMO soy.


Jordana Blejmar

Jordana Blejmar is Lecturer in Visual Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Liverpool. Originally a Literature graduate from the University of Buenos Aires, she was awarded her PhD at the University of Cambridge. She is the author of Playful Memories: The Autofictional Turn in Post-Dictatorship Argentina (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) and the co-editor of Instantáneas de la memoria: Fotografía y dictadura en Argentina y América Latina (with N. Fortuny and L.


América Latina en discusión. Taller teórico-metodológico sobre perspectivas comparadas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.


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Proyecto de investigación / Research project:

Margarita Manosalvas

Margarita Manosalvas holds a PhD in Social Sciences with a specialization in Political Studies from Flacso Ecuador. She has specialized in social policy studies. She researches public policies from a sociological and critical perspective, especially social policies oriented to the protection of specific population groups. In her doctoral dissertation she analyzed the policies of good living in the context of the arrival of progressive governments in the region.


Inés Nercesian

Inés Nercesian  is a Doctor in Social Sciences, a Master in Research in Social Sciences and a Bachelor of Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. She is an Adjunct Researcher at CONICET based at the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. She coordinates the Electoral Observatory of Latin America (OBLAT) at the UBA and is co-coordinator of the CLACSO Working Group “Business elites, State, and domination”. She is a professor at Universad de Buenos Aires and UNDAV and teaches postgraduate courses at various institutions.
