Books and Journals | Page 3 | CALAS

Books and Journals

Colección CALAS / CLACSO

Religiones y espacios públicos en América Latina

Latin America, like many other regions of the planet, is undergoing a recomposition of the relations between the sphere of religion and the public space, of the boundaries and relations between these spaces, and of the entities involved in these relations (the State, the public and the religious).

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Horizontalidad. Hacia una crítica de la metodología

To propose today a book on horizontality as a methodological perspective of work in social sciences and humanities implies to see with the spatial metaphor that the word invokes: between a background of vision at the same height of all and a predilection of future, of objective that is crossed out in advance by its own sign: the horizon is always beyond.

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Avances de Investigación CALAS / CIHAC

Modalidades de memoria y archivos afectivos: Cine de mujeres en Centroamérica

The productions analyzed here are characterized, as is natural, by varied cinematographic planes, some more poetic than others, but in all of them there is a direct participation of the body and subjectivity in the processes they narrate, places where data persist that a sociological statistical count is not enough. All these women have produced poetics of interference filmed sparingly, with few resources and stripped of stridency.

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Horizontality in Perspective: Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier and Sarah Corona Berkin

In 2012, the book "En diálogo. Metodología horizontales en las ciencias sociales y culturales." (In Dialogue: Horizontal Methodologies in Social and Cultural Sciences), coordinated by Sarah Corona Berkin and Olaf Kaltmeier, was published almost simultaneously in Mexico and Germany (Methoden dekolonialisieren. Eine Werkzeugkiste zur Demokratisierung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot).

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Paisajes en transición

"Paisajes en transición" (Landscapes in transition) is the result of a sensorial exploration with eyes, notebook and cameras through territories and places of extermination in contemporary Mexico, as well as the ways in which they are intervened and re-signified by those who were traversed by violence, but who are not resigned to the passivity of the victim. In the midst of the pandemic that has installed a state of exception to the whole world, the story of this other emergency emerged, more deeply rooted and less visible.

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100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber:Commemoration from the Americas

This volume of fiar: forum for interamerican research, partly evolved out of the CALAS platform for dialogue "The Latin American Left in the 21st Century: Looking Back to the Future.”


Jessé Souza (Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo): 100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber: Commemoration from the Americas (Introduction).

Wolfgang Schluchter (Heidelberg University, Germany): How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond

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¿Cuándo pasará el temblor?

Violence and conflict are structures that appear continuously in the history of Latin America and have also become drivers of social change. From the time of Latin American independence, violence was manifested as a product of both colonial inheritance and inequality, as well as the confrontation of new political projects inspired from Europe and adapted locally. These unresolved conflicts dragged on from the 19th century to the 21st century, readapting themselves as a product of new conflicts generated by Modernity.

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Trabajo decente y sociedad

Centrar el interés en el mundo del trabajo en Cuba y los procesos relacionados con su estructuración y desarrollo, desde una perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales, es el noble objetivo que persiguen los compiladores de este significativo texto.

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América Latina: respuestas populares a la crisis

So far in the 21st century, Latin America has undergone processes of crisis and change in the context of strong social participation. Popular responses to these crises, and their impact on political cultures, allow for a broader understanding of continental political processes at a time of new political and social reconfigurations..


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Colección CALAS / Editorial de Guadalajara

¡Aquí los jovenes! Frente a las crisis

In Latin America, 60% of the population is under 30 years of age. This demographic fact, in itself, demonstrates the importance of youth and adolescents in the region. However, the young people represented in public and media discourses are often criminalized, infantilized and shown, in a reductive way, as problematic people or groups destined for consumption.

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