Books and Journals
Violencias y resistencias. América Latina entre la historia y la memoria
Historical studies of violent pasts in Latin America are intrinsically connected to memory studies and, more broadly, to memory politics and memorial cultures. Struggles to explain the construction of the present reflect how societies constantly seek to reinterpret their past, leading to strong political debates and conflicts. The question of how to deal with traumatic past experiences, often related to political violence, has become an issue of great social relevance in many Latin American countries.
La horizontalidad en las instituciones de producción de conocimiento: ¿Perspectiva o paradoja?
Every knowledge producer linked to an institution has experienced the imperatives that, through rules and hierarchies, channel the production of knowledge and limit the results generated there.
Figuraciones de la violencia. Sociología de novelas latinoamericanas
The relationship between sociology and literature has always been characterized by conflicts and complementarities. Since the end of the 19th century, a new episteme on the knowledge of reality and the unrealities that configure it has been consolidated. Whether as a challenge to understand the "human comedy" or as a way of discovering the unconscious, commodity fetishism or the enigma of modernity, sociology and literature have walked the crossroads of the sociological imagination.
La guerra en Ucrania. Miradas desde América Latina
The escalation of the conflict in Eastern Europe following the invasion of Russian troops into Ukrainian territory on February 24, 2022 has immediately become a crisis of global dimensions and consequences. Although Latin America and the Caribbean are supposedly far from the war, they are not exempt from the impacts and political or economic repercussions.
Corona in Lateinamerika
This volume analyzes the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the policy measures related to its containment in Latin America and the Caribbean. The contributions highlight the consequences of the pandemic in terms of social inequalities, gender relations, violence against women, migration, democracy, human rights, protest mobilization and environmental policy.
(Post-)colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
The Puerto Rican debt crisis, the challenges of social, political, and economic transition in Cuba, and the populist politics of Duterte in the Philippines—these topics are typically seen as disparate experiences of social reality. Though these island territories were colonized by the same two colonial powers—by the Spanish Empire and, after 1898, by the United States—research in the fields of history and the social sciences rarely draws links between these three contexts.
¿Latinoamérica y Paz? Propuestas para pensar y afrontar la crisis de la violencia
Peace is a concept that is not usually associated with Latin America. Rather, various forms of violence, whether criminal, state, economic or cultural, are commonly associated with the region. The studies gathered here emphasize that, although the subcontinent is historically affected by these serious crises, it is also characterized by important attempts to confront them and seek forms of peaceful coexistence. The analytical perspective developed here understands peace as always intertwined with violence and proposes it as a continuous effort of resistance.
Libro de Proyectos La Salud y el Bienestar
This book is an invitation to school communities (students, teachers and families) to build within the school practices a general project that aims to reflect, problematize and propose solutions generated from the school context in order to improve eating habits and well-being as biopsychosocial processes.
Poscolonialismo a prueba. Cuba, Puerto Rico y las Filipinas desde una perspectiva comparada
This volume examines the social, political, economic and cultural legacies of the last three colonies of the Spanish Empire: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The three former colonies offer an ideal setting for applying a comparative framework of analysis, insofar as they coincide in that their long-term colonial experiences were shaped by the same colonial powers and, moreover, converge in the difference of their geographical contexts and in their postcolonial trajectories.
Colección CALAS / Editorial de Guadalajara
Etnicidad y autonomía en Cherán K'eri: una reflexión horizontal
In 2011, the inhabitants of the town of Cherán (Michoacán), tired of the dispossessions they suffered at the hands of organized crime, spontaneously initiated not only a process of self-defense, but also an unprecedented political project for their self-determination as an original and autonomous P'urhépecha community. This case raises the question that guides this paper: How to understand Cherán's autonomous political project from an ethnic perspective?
Pandemia y crisis: El Covid-19 en América Latina
The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused an unprecedented multi-crisis. Its consequences are global and all-encompassing, even if they have particularities in the different regions of the world that face it in very unequal conditions. They go beyond a health issue because of the varied and complex repercussions. This volume brings together research from the Social Sciences and Humanities that measure the impacts of the health crisis and governmental measures in Latin America and the Caribbean during the initial phase of the spread of the disease.
Colección CALAS / CLACSO
Políticas, afectos e identidades en América Latina
This new volume of the CLACSO-CALAS collection focuses on the articulation between politics, affects and identities. The contributions that integrate it reflect on the affective as a constitutive but not immutable component of human bonds and individual and collective identities.
(Re)pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis. Perspectivas desde América Latina y Europa
Over the years, it has become clear that migration is a structural phenomenon in our societies and not a sporadic one. However, in recent decades, governments, international organizations and academia have associated migration with the concept of crisis. Why is human mobility still linked to the idea of an extraordinary event of modernity? Is migration a consequence of the crisis or a cause? How do different governments and international organizations construct the concept of migration crisis?
Las crisis en el desarrollo económico de Cuba
Since the dissolution of the European socialist bloc, the Cuban economy has been in a deep crisis that continues to be aggravated by the brutal trade and economic blockade by the United States. For more than 30 years, the island's government has been seeking to adapt its economic model to combine stability and growth with health, universal education and social justice.
Religiones y espacios públicos en América Latina
Latin America, like many other regions of the planet, is undergoing a recomposition of the relations between the sphere of religion and the public space, of the boundaries and relations between these spaces, and of the entities involved in these relations (the State, the public and the religious).
Avances de Investigación CALAS / CIHAC
Bordar, cantar y cultivar espacios de dignidad: ecologías del duelo y mujeres atrateñas
This book presents a compelling mix of personal memories and stories of black women that makes visible armed and structural violence, racism and resilience. Personal and collective narratives, threaded with a critical anthropological and feminist look at the armed conflict and its impacts in Chocó, are joined by the productions of black women academics on this territory.
De guerrilleros, subversivos y terroristas: Discursos sobre la violencia en el Juicio a las Juntas (Argentina, 1985)
This working paper seeks to contribute to the reflection on the meaning of the Judgment and at the same time to contribute to the social and political history of language in Argentina
Ciclos de violencia y género: los momentos de conflicto en América Latina como generadores de identidad de género
This study suggests that correct female behavior was a type of public discourse in Latin America; thus, when women broke with these traditional norms, they provoked "moments of anxiety".
Las caravanas centroamericanas. Guerras inciviles, migración y crisis del estatuto de refugiado
Images of the caravans of Central American migrants crossing the continent to reach the U.S. shocked media audiences around the globe. Associations were inevitable with the war in Syria and other countries that have provoked comparable displacements of people. The migrants' testimonies stated that they were fleeing violence, lack of employment, government corruption, a social crisis akin to a state of war.
Modalidades de memoria y archivos afectivos: Cine de mujeres en Centroamérica
The productions analyzed here are characterized, as is natural, by varied cinematographic planes, some more poetic than others, but in all of them there is a direct participation of the body and subjectivity in the processes they narrate, places where data persist that a sociological statistical count is not enough. All these women have produced poetics of interference filmed sparingly, with few resources and stripped of stridency.