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Book presentations: New releases collection Afrontar las crisis desde América Latina

The following two new publications from the "Afrontar las crisis desde América Latina" collection will be presented at the Guadalajara International Book Fair:

1) Gerardo Gutiérrez Cham: Narrativas de exesclavizados afroamericanos. Conflictos de autoría, CALAS/Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara, November 2022.

Presenter: Patricia Córdova Abundis


Book presentation: La horizontalidad en las instituciones de la producción de conocimiento

Every knowledge producer linked to an institution has experienced the imperatives that, through rules and hierarchies, channel the production of knowledge and limit the results generated there. Common practices of the institutions involved in the production of knowledge are: the imposition of methods, theories that do not explain local contexts, or the exclusion of voices considered illegitimate for the production of knowledge.


Non-colonial theoretical-methodological approaches in sociocultural health research

The Covid-19 pandemic brought to light multiple realities in the health/disease/care/prevention processes. Most of the health systems in diverse countries of the world were overwhelmed in the search to provide care to the large number of people infected by SARS-COV-2. Processes of historical and structural economic inequality that had a direct impact on health care were aggravated by the pandemic.
