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Klaus Meschkat: La crisis de los regímenes progresistas y el legado del socialismo de Estado

Progressive regimes find themselves in a serious crisis. Those who are not satisfied with denouncing the predictable machinations of "imperialism" should seek the internal reasons for the failure of the proclaimed "socialism of the 21st century". Why have such regimes, which owe their emergence and early successes mainly to the mobilization of the masses, been unable to maintain the active support of the majority of the population? The answer is sought here by resorting to the record of the Latin American left.


Jeffrey Gould: Entre el bosque y los árboles. Utopías Menores en El Salvador, Nicaragua, y Uruguay

This book presents cases of social experiments in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. In these spaces, where horizontal and multi-class communication flourished, Jay Winter's concept of minor utopias is suitable. This essay is inspired by Winter's important work, tracing what he calls the "visions of partial transformation," which coexisted temporarily with the great narratives of social transformation, but then lost their proper place in the historical record.


Pablo Alabarces Pospopulares: Las culturas populares después de la hibridación

The book offers an in depth balance of the debates that have organized the studies on Latin American popular cultures for the last thirty years. Simultaneously, it proposes new perspectives in times of crisis for the category: the central question is what does the popular mean today? The relationship between popular cultures and mass culture has changed radically in this century, in a way not foreseeable by classical texts.


León Enrique Avila Romero: Alternativas al colapso socioambiental desde América Latina

Latin America is facing a serious environmental crisis, which is leading the subcontinent to a collapse, understood as a shift in society and in the current way of living. This ecological crisis has been intensified by the entrenchment of the neo-liberal economic model and neo-extractivism, which has led to a dispute over common goods.


Olaf Kaltmeier: Refeudalización

In contemporary societies we observe a state of social inequality as in the Ancien Régime, the concentration of wealth in the "1 percent", billionaires as presidents, the increase of luxury consumption and the emergence of a culture of distinction as well as the concentration of land and spatial segregation. In order to understand these phenomena in a coherent interpretative framework, this essay proposes the hypothesis that we are living in the early 21st century a new conjuncture of re-feudalization.


Mesa redonda «La academia en la mira: La violencia contra lxs investigadorxs en América Latina»

En los últimos años, el trabajo académico se ha convertido cada vez más en una actividad de riesgo. Vivir situaciones de riesgo y amenazas ya no es una excepción en el desempeño del trabajo académico crítico en América Latina, sino que más bien, se está convirtiendo en la regla. Lxs académicxs también constituyen un grupo en riesgo, expuesto a ser víctima de amenazas y hostigamientos que van desde la difamación pública en la prensa, las amenazas verbales y físicas, los registros en las oficinas y la confiscación de equipo hasta el arresto, el secuestro o el asesinato en casos extremos.


Chamada: Cátedra CALAS-IEAT

Está aberta a chamada, a ser realizada anualmente, para o Programa de Cátedras CALAS-IEAT, promovido pelo Centro Maria Sibylla Merian de Estudos Latino-americanos Avançados (CALAS) e pelo Instituto de Estudos Avançados Transdisciplinares (IEAT) da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). O programa é administrado pelo IEAT e patrocinado pelo CALAS. A Cátedra abarca uma estadia de três meses do pesquisador no IEAT.


Alba Carosio

Alba Carosio (PhD, UCV-FACES-CEAP) is a Full-Time Professor of Philosophy and Management Ethics, Management and Professor of Contemporary Feminist Thought in the Master's Program in Women's Studies at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. She is a researcher for the Romulo Gallegos Center for Latin American Studies (CELARG) and the Centro Miranda Internacional (CIM). She has been Director of the Center for Women's Studies at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and is Co-Coordinator of the GT CLACSO Feminismos, Resistencias y Emancipación.



Gabriele Knauer

Gabriele Knauer (PhD, University of Leipzig) is professor emeritus of Romance Languages at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. From 1992 to 1993 she was a fellow of the Alejandro de Humboldt Foundation at the Colegio de México. Her current research areas include variational linguistics, sociolinguistics, media linguistics and discourse analysis.  Her regional focuses are the United States, the Caribbean, and Mexico.


Publications (Selection)

