| Page 84 | CALAS

Claudia Briones: Conflictividades interculturales. Demandas indígenas como crisis fructíferas

Fake news, populisms, environmental risks due to the anthropocene are radiating signs of disconcerting crises in recent years. Which other questions should be asked in order to face the uncertainties and concerns that they open up to us? Which new approaches are being rehearsed in the social sciences to confront the challenges we face? Where can we look for more precise and alternative definitions?


Sarah Corona Berkin: La producción horizontal del conocimiento

This text ratifies that knowledge does not pertain to a particular discipline or region of the world. The Horizontal Construction of Knowledge refers to the vigor that social knowledge acquires when it is based on the disciplinary dialogue with the voices of the multiple knowledges possessed by those who live and overcome the social problems that afflict them. Research that responds horizontally to social questions contributes in two ways: it produces new knowledge, and new relationships between people.


Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux: La crisis política en la Argentina

The debate about the Social Security Reform, approved in December 2017, initiates the current political crisis in Argentina. The parliamentary process revealed strong tensions, which were heightened, a few months later, regarding the agreement with the International Monetary Fund. The text deals with the positions at stake and their inscription in antagonistic discursive formations, based on the ways of referring to the outside of the premises, the memories that are triggered and the semiotization of emotions.


Edgardo Lander: Crisis civilizatoria. Experiencias de los gobiernos progresistas y debates en la izquierda latinoamericana

In the context of the profound civilizational crisis that humanity is experiencing, there is also a severe crisis of the left in different parts of the world. The alternative proposals that were represented by the so-called progressive governments in Latin America fundamentally failed in terms of the transformative objectives they set for themselves.


100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber:Commemoration from the Americas

This volume of fiar: forum for interamerican research, partly evolved out of the CALAS platform for dialogue "The Latin American Left in the 21st Century: Looking Back to the Future.”


Jessé Souza (Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo): 100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber: Commemoration from the Americas (Introduction).

Wolfgang Schluchter (Heidelberg University, Germany): How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond


Confronting Inequalities in Latin America: Perspectives on Wealth and Power

After the first two decades of the 21st century, Latin America still exhibits a severe asymmetry in the distribution, access and consumption of wealth. The concentration of land, income and wealth reflects a historically persistent, multidimensional, and intersectional inequality. In recent decades, both in studies and politics, the focuses have been on poverty without acknowledging that inequality is a relational category. Therefore, poverty is incomprehensible without its counterpart: wealth.


Maristella Svampa: Las fronteras del neoextractivismo en América Latina

The present book analyzes the progress of neo-extractivism in Latin America, through four fundamental nuclei. 1) It proposes the categories of neo-extractivism and Commodity Consensus as privileged vantage points for reading the current crisis. 2) It analyzes the different phases of neo-extractivism, from 2003 to the present. 3) It addresses the social resistances and the new political grammars, from the concept of the ecoterritorial turn and places the accent on the advance of indigenous peoples and the increasing protagonism of women.
