Colección CALAS / Routledge | CALAS

Colección CALAS / Routledge

Wealth, Development, and Social Inequalities in Latin America

In this book, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt and Irene Lungo-Rodríguez lead a transdisciplinary team of experts to advance our understanding of wealth in Latin America.

Combining conceptual discussions with empirical research, they analyze characteristics of wealth, and the implications for inequality. Three thematic sections provide a unique overarching structure to understand the economic, social, political, and cultural complexity of wealth. Questions examined include:

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Taxation and Inequality in Latin America

Taxation and Inequality in Latin America takes a heterodox political economy approach, focusing on Latin America, where current problems of taxation have existed for a century and great wealth contrasts with abject poverty. The book analyzes the relation of natural resource wealth, allocational politics and the limited role of taxation for redistribution, and progressive resource mobilization.

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Post-Popular Cultures and Digital Capitalism in Latin America

En este libro, los reconocidos intelectuales latinoamericanos Pablo Alabarces y Néstor García Canclini nos ponen al día sobre los cambios en el estatus y el papel de las clases populares en las democracias latinoamericanas en las últimas dos décadas.

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Critical Interculturality and Horizontal Methodologies in Latin America

En este volumen Sarah Corona y Claudia Zapata extrapolan las causas de las divisiones entre grupos en la sociedad latinoamericana, aportando sus años de experiencia investigando las condiciones y consecuencias de la heterogeneidad en la región.

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Refeudalization and the Crisis of Civilization

Discutiendo la crisis civilizatoria y los procesos de refeudalización este volumen pone en diálogo dos de los enfoques más creativos, en Olaf Kaltmeier y Edgardo Lander, para repensar el capitalismo en el siglo XXI.

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