Knowledge Production | Page 4 | CALAS

Knowledge Production

Sarah Corona Berkin: La producción horizontal del conocimiento

This text ratifies that knowledge does not pertain to a particular discipline or region of the world. The Horizontal Construction of Knowledge refers to the vigor that social knowledge acquires when it is based on the disciplinary dialogue with the voices of the multiple knowledges possessed by those who live and overcome the social problems that afflict them. Research that responds horizontally to social questions contributes in two ways: it produces new knowledge, and new relationships between people.


Decolonizing knowledge production. Perspectives from the Global South

The production of knowledge in the global academic field is still highly unevenly distributed. Western knowledge, which originated in Western Europe and was deepened in the transatlantic exchange with North America, is still considered an often unquestioned reference in many academic disciplines. Thus, this specific, regional form of knowledge production has become universalized.


Plataforma para el Diálogo: Educar con futuro. Cerrando brechas a las desigualdades

El sector educativo ha sido uno de los más afectados durante los dos años de la contingencia sanitaria causado por el virus SARS-CoV-2. El cierre de las escuelas y universidades afectaba en América Latina y el Caribe inmediatamente a 160 millones de estudiantes. Muchos no volvieron a clases presenciales hasta los primeros meses del 2022.
