Peace and Violence | CALAS

Peace and Violence

Emergent Agencies in Central America Migrant Route: Exploring the Nexus Between Peace and Migration

On January 14, 2020, a new Central American Caravan left San Pedro Sula: the first of that year. Although the COVID-19 pandemic was only starting, these caravans would continue. By March 2021, an unprecedented number of Central American migrants were located on the border with the United States. In complex humanitarian emergencies such as this, not only the causes and effects are multiple, but so are the ways in which States and societies respond to them. By observing these responses, we established the link between peace, violence, and migration in three ways.


Eduardo Restrepo: Desprecios que matan. Desigualdad, racismo y violencia en Colombia

In a Colombia marked by violence, it would seem that some people and geographies count, while others do not so much. Enriched peoples who matter and inhabit geographies of accumulation and tranquility, often operating in the place of whiteness, contrast with other racially marked and impoverished peoples who inhabit geographies of dispossession and terror.


Democracias asediadas. Golpes de Estado en América Latina (siglos XX y XXI)

Mientras que el siglo XIX y, especialmente, el siglo XX en Europa pueden ser interpretados como una era de grandes guerras interestatales, suscitadas entre los Estados nación de ese continente,1 los doscientos años de vida independiente de los Estados nación latinoamericanos, y particularmente el siglo XX, se caracterizan por la sucesión de conflictos intraestatales: guerras civiles, guerrillas, golpes de Estado y gobiernos dictatoriales-militares. 


Presentación de Libros: Novedades colección Afrontar las Crisis

La colección de ensayos "Afrontar las crisis desde América Latina" reúne reflexiones críticas e innovadoras de destacados científicos de los estudios latinoamericanos sobre los conflictos más acuciantes en la región en búsqueda de posibles caminos para afrontar las múltiples crisis. En esta ocasión se presenten los dos últimos títulos publicados de este colección:

Desprecios que matan: Desigualdad, racismo y violencia en Colombia, del antropólogo Eduardo Restrepo y


CALAS/HIAS Fellowship: Illegalized drugs in Latin America and beyond

The Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (CALAS) and the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) appoint outstanding scholars, scientists, and artists from Latin American research institutions to pursue their research projects for four months on-site in Hamburg and two months at Bielefeld University, Germany.


Who is afraid of peace? Circumstances and factors of the resistance to non-violent coexistence

The Regional Center for Central America and the Caribbean of the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies, the Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central (CIHAC) of the Universidad de Costa Roca (UCR), in cooperation with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence of the University of Bielefeld (IKG), the Center for Ibero-American Studies of the University of Heidelberg (HCIAS) and the Center for Social Research (UCR), invite researchers to participate in the Platform for Dialogue/International Symposium "Who is afraid of peace?


¿Cuándo pasará el temblor?

Violence and conflict are structures that appear continuously in the history of Latin America and have also become drivers of social change. From the time of Latin American independence, violence was manifested as a product of both colonial inheritance and inequality, as well as the confrontation of new political projects inspired from Europe and adapted locally. These unresolved conflicts dragged on from the 19th century to the 21st century, readapting themselves as a product of new conflicts generated by Modernity.


Paisajes en transición

"Paisajes en transición" (Landscapes in transition) is the result of a sensorial exploration with eyes, notebook and cameras through territories and places of extermination in contemporary Mexico, as well as the ways in which they are intervened and re-signified by those who were traversed by violence, but who are not resigned to the passivity of the victim. In the midst of the pandemic that has installed a state of exception to the whole world, the story of this other emergency emerged, more deeply rooted and less visible.
