Peace and Violence | Page 2 | CALAS

Peace and Violence

Modalidades de memoria y archivos afectivos: Cine de mujeres en Centroamérica

The productions analyzed here are characterized, as is natural, by varied cinematographic planes, some more poetic than others, but in all of them there is a direct participation of the body and subjectivity in the processes they narrate, places where data persist that a sociological statistical count is not enough. All these women have produced poetics of interference filmed sparingly, with few resources and stripped of stridency.


Las caravanas centroamericanas. Guerras inciviles, migración y crisis del estatuto de refugiado

Images of the caravans of Central American migrants crossing the continent to reach the U.S. shocked media audiences around the globe. Associations were inevitable with the war in Syria and other countries that have provoked comparable displacements of people. The migrants' testimonies stated that they were fleeing violence, lack of employment, government corruption, a social crisis akin to a state of war.


Bordar, cantar y cultivar espacios de dignidad: ecologías del duelo y mujeres atrateñas

This book presents a compelling mix of personal memories and stories of black women that makes visible armed and structural violence, racism and resilience. Personal and collective narratives, threaded with a critical anthropological and feminist look at the armed conflict and its impacts in Chocó, are joined by the productions of black women academics on this territory.


¿Latinoamérica y Paz? Propuestas para pensar y afrontar la crisis de la violencia

Peace is a concept that is not usually associated with Latin America. Rather, various forms of violence, whether criminal, state, economic or cultural, are commonly associated with the region. The studies gathered here emphasize that, although the subcontinent is historically affected by these serious crises, it is also characterized by important attempts to confront them and seek forms of peaceful coexistence. The analytical perspective developed here understands peace as always intertwined with violence and proposes it as a continuous effort of resistance.


Figuraciones de la violencia. Sociología de novelas latinoamericanas

The relationship between sociology and literature has always been characterized by conflicts and complementarities. Since the end of the 19th century, a new episteme on the knowledge of reality and the unrealities that configure it has been consolidated. Whether as a challenge to understand the "human comedy" or as a way of discovering the unconscious, commodity fetishism or the enigma of modernity, sociology and literature have walked the crossroads of the sociological imagination.


Violencias y resistencias. América Latina entre la historia y la memoria

Historical studies of violent pasts in Latin America are intrinsically connected to memory studies and, more broadly, to memory politics and memorial cultures. Struggles to explain the construction of the present reflect how societies constantly seek to reinterpret their past, leading to strong political debates and conflicts. The question of how to deal with traumatic past experiences, often related to political violence, has become an issue of great social relevance in many Latin American countries.


Cold War and coups d'état in Latin America (70 years after the coup d'état in Bolivia 1952)

The Platform for Dialogue "Cold War and coups d'état in Latin America (70 years after the coup d'état in Bolivia 1952)" will offer a space to present and discuss individual experiences, academic analyses, political positions, literary and artistic representations of the discussion on coups d'état in Latin America during the period 1947-1990. We are interested in their applications, their collateral effects, the economic and social thinking that motivated them, as well as their impacts and their effects on the present.


El pasado que no cesa y el futuro que no llega: estados y democracias fallidas en América Latina

América Latina se debate, nuevamente, entre el autoritarismo y la democracia, entre el regreso a pasados dictatoriales y la esperanza de sociedades libres, entre el pasado que no cesa y el futuro que no llega. Desde finales de la década de 2010, el descontento popular se reactivó en la región, dando señales de la disconformidad con el tipo de política que se practicaba, llevando la polarización política a niveles desconocidos hasta este momento.
