Coping with Crisis | Page 2 | CALAS

Coping with Crisis

Edgardo Lander: Crisis civilizatoria. Experiencias de los gobiernos progresistas y debates en la izquierda latinoamericana

In the context of the profound civilizational crisis that humanity is experiencing, there is also a severe crisis of the left in different parts of the world. The alternative proposals that were represented by the so-called progressive governments in Latin America fundamentally failed in terms of the transformative objectives they set for themselves.

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Claudia Zapata: Crisis del multiculturalismo en América Latina

Has the life quality for the Indigenous peoples in Latin America improved after three decades in which legislation has been developed to recognize them? Statistical information and the increase of social conflictivity in the indigenous territories leads to the negative answer on that question.

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Maristella Svampa: Las fronteras del neoextractivismo en América Latina

The present book analyzes the progress of neo-extractivism in Latin America, through four fundamental nuclei. 1) It proposes the categories of neo-extractivism and Commodity Consensus as privileged vantage points for reading the current crisis. 2) It analyzes the different phases of neo-extractivism, from 2003 to the present. 3) It addresses the social resistances and the new political grammars, from the concept of the ecoterritorial turn and places the accent on the advance of indigenous peoples and the increasing protagonism of women.

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José Manuel Valenzuela: Trazos de sangre y fuego

The destructive features of the late international capitalist order brought the life-and-death relationship to the forefront of social, humanist, ecological and artistic discussion. The processes of poverty and social inequalities have been emphasized, as well as the scenarios of violence and death that involve people, the planet and life itself.

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Olaf Kaltmeier: Refeudalización

In contemporary societies we observe a state of social inequality as in the Ancien Régime, the concentration of wealth in the "1 percent", billionaires as presidents, the increase of luxury consumption and the emergence of a culture of distinction as well as the concentration of land and spatial segregation. In order to understand these phenomena in a coherent interpretative framework, this essay proposes the hypothesis that we are living in the early 21st century a new conjuncture of re-feudalization.

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