Inequality | Page 2 | CALAS


Nachhaltige Transformation in Lateinamerika: Chancen und Blockaden

Vor dem Hintergrund sich zuspitzender Klima-, Umwelt- und sozialer Krisen gewinnen Nachhaltigkeitspolitiken global und lokal an Bedeutung. In der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik soll mit den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen (SDGs) die Voraussetzung für einen sozial-ökologischen Umbau von Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik weltweit geschaffen werden.


Elites, Inequality and Wealth in Latin America

With the onset of the pandemic, poverty and inequality have also grown drastically in Latin America. The UN commission CEPAL predicts a social development regression of almost three decades. But not only misery has increased. At the same time, the number of the richest and super-rich has also increased significantly during COVID-19. It becomes clear that Latin America's problem is not scarcity of resources, but the insufficient distribution of these resources.


The Rich Latin America: Tax Justice for Greater Social Equality?

Latin America is not `underdeveloped', hostage to the world market or victim of bad governance, as many assume and claim. Rather, the subcontinent is one of the richest regions in the world and has enormous amounts of natural goods, raw materials and accumulated money. Latin America's problem is not a scarcity of resources, but the inadequate distribution of these resources. The richest and wealthiest in the region are not held accountable by politics and society to make their contribution to social and economic development: Latin America has the lowest tax rate worldwide.
