Eje 1. Regulación y desregulación de la riqueza | CALAS

Eje 1. Regulación y desregulación de la riqueza

Paola García Reyes

Paola García Reyes (PhD, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, México) is Assistant Professor in the Department of Law and Political Science at the Universidad del Norte de Colombia. She holds a Master's degree in Political Studies from the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations of the National University of Colombia (2008) and a Master’s degree in Applied Statistics from Universidad del Norte de Colombia (2020). She is an Anthropologist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2001).


Nelson Germán Nogales González

Nelson Germán Nogales Gonzáles (PhD, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ecuador) is a postdoctoral and independent researcher. He specializes in democratic institutions and political elites. In recent years, has carried out work, investigating the impacts on vulnerable groups in disaster contexts.


Publicaciones (Selección)


Jorge Orlando Blanco

Jorge Orlando Blanco (PhD, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito,) is a full-time professor of Social Sciences and honorary professor of the Master's Degree Education for Peace at the Universidad Distrital, Bogotá. He is member of the Amautas Research Group for Critical Pedagogies and Subjects' Training. He has been Professor of the Escuela Superior de Administración Pública; the Universidad Central del Ecuador; the Universidad de La Salle, the Escuela Superior de Guerra.


Luz Irene Pyke

Luz Irene Pyke (PhD, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) is a researcher and a professor at the History Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Misiones and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Social and Human Studies, IESyH (UNaM-CONICET, Argentina). She specializes in political history at sub-national levels for the 19th and 20th centuries, currently developing research lines in municipal politics and taxation, and relations between central and local government levels. 

