Luz Irene Pyke

Luz Irene Pyke (PhD, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata) is a researcher and a professor at the History Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Misiones and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Social and Human Studies, IESyH (UNaM-CONICET, Argentina). She specializes in political history at sub-national levels for the 19th and 20th centuries, currently developing research lines in municipal politics and taxation, and relations between central and local government levels. 



2020. De la jurisdicción provincial a la nacional: la estabilidad fiscal en la consolidación de la municipalidad de Posadas, Misiones (1883-1911). En Historia Regional, Sección Historia. ISP Nº 3, Villa Constitución, año XXXIII, n° 42, p. 1-14. 

2020. Política y finanzas locales en los territorios nacionales argentinos: el caso de Concepción de la Sierra, Territorio de Misiones (1880-1930). En Revista Brasileira de História. San Pablo, ANPUH, vol. 40, n° 83, p. 175-198.

2020. Rematadores de impuestos y fiadores en la fiscalidad municipal: el caso de Posadas, 1872-1883. En Ejes de Economía y Sociedad, UNER, vol. 4, n° 6, p. 76-95.

2017. Gobernadores y agentes policiales. Vigilancia y exilio político en el territorio nacional de Misiones durante las décadas de 1920 y 1930. En Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos. Mendoza: Instituto Multidisciplinario de Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, UNCuyo. 2017 vol. n°17. P 103 - 122.

2016.  Estado y política en el territorio nacional de Misiones durante los gobiernos radicales: el gobernador Héctor Barreyro y los conflictos políticos entre autoridades (1917-1930). En Folia Histórica del Nordeste. Resistencia: IIGHI - IH- CONICET/UNNE. 2016 vol. n°26. P 41 - 61.

2016. El territorio nacional de Misiones a través de su población: aproximaciones a partir del censo de territorios nacionales de 1920. En Trabajos y Comunicaciones Segunda Época. La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata. 2016 vol. n°44. P 1 - 27.

2016. [Co-autor Ferrero, Brián] Naturaleza y Frontera. El Parque Nacional Iguazú y el proceso de consolidación del Estado argentino en la frontera argentino - brasileña (1880 - 1934). En Sociedad y Discurso. Aalborg: Universidad de Aalborg. vol. n°28, p. 135 - 167.

2016. Miradas sobre la vigilancia policial y exilio político en el territorio nacional de Misiones durante la década de1920 a partir del informe del gobernador Héctor Barreyro (1926), en Revista Electrónica de Fuentes y Archivos, vol. n° 7, n° 7, p. 193 – 212.


Research project

Title: "Capture of municipal government bodies and concentration of wealth among the oligarchic and radical governments (1890-1930)"

Abstract: The project proposes to study the reproduction of institutional mechanisms of wealth-concentration by observing the interplay between organs of municipal governments and private interests in Argentine municipalities between 1890 and 1930 and by evaluating the influence the process of democratic expansion led by radicalism had on it from 1916 onwards. Through the qualitative analysis of various local sources such as the municipal records of at least three municipal councils, the study addresses: the formation of municipal bodies, the processes of constituting municipal income and the orientation of public expenditure, the relations between private interest groups and the municipal government bodies, and the expression of these in the definition of fiscal policy, the orientation of expenditure, the taking of debt, investment in public works, the implementation of urban services, etc.

The research seeks to reflect firstly on the processes of capturing government bodies and public funds by certain historically privileged political, social or economic sectors with the aim of benefiting economically, either through the arbitrary allocation of funds and budgetary items, or through tax exemption. Secondly, it aims to question the possibilities of the democratization process led by radicalism regarding the access to municipal government bodies, and whether eventual changes have translated into more progressive tax collection and expenditure. These aspects are relevant for evaluating the scope of the political democratization processes, particularly in local spaces where they are slower and face resistance from traditional political sectors. For its part, this analysis will provide key aspects for understanding the reproduction of various institutional mechanisms of wealth concentration at the local level in a historiographic perspective.

The cases proposed are three municipalities located in the national territory of Misiones, whose regulatory framework offered municipal governments broader political and fiscal powers than those found in provincial regimes. 

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