Inter-Cultural Dialogues from a horizontal perspective

Intercultural dialogues not only mean analyzing social problems from different cultural perspectives by bringing together a diverse range of social scientists but also radically changing the traditional structure of knowledge production that has been disproportionately centered on the scientific point of view. Social Sciences are bound to move paradigms, but what should be its new model? The era of horizontal dialogues is coming to decolonize knowledge production.    

This podcast brings out ideas presented in this session of “At the Cutting Edges of Knowledge Production: Borders and Black Holes in Academic Dialogue”, an international conference held by CALAS, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and The Bielefeld University in late 2021.

Inter-Cultural Dialogues from a horizontal perspective


Alexandra Cuffel is professor of Jewish Religion in Past and Present Times at the Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr University Bochum. She received several fellowships, among them a fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies in 2007, the Women’s Studies in Religion Fellowship from Harvard Divinity School in 2006, and a fellowship from the Dorot Foundation at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1996.

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Fecha: Junio, 2022

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Podcast: Inter-Cultural Dialogues from a horizontal perspective

Fecha: Junio, 2022

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