Inter-Cultural Dialogues from a horizontal perspective

Intercultural dialogues not only mean analyzing social problems from different cultural perspectives by bringing together a diverse range of social scientists but also radically changing the traditional structure of knowledge production that has been disproportionately centered on the scientific point of view. Social Sciences are bound to move paradigms, but what should be its new model? The era of horizontal dialogues is coming to decolonize knowledge production.    

This podcast brings out ideas presented in this session of “At the Cutting Edges of Knowledge Production: Borders and Black Holes in Academic Dialogue”, an international conference held by CALAS, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and The Bielefeld University in late 2021.

Inter-Cultural Dialogues from a horizontal perspective


Sarah Corona Berkin received a doctorate in communication from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. She is currently a professor at the University of Guadalajara, a position she previously held at the Metropolitan Autonomous University at its Xochimilco campus. She has conducted research on written and visual communication in different social groups, intercultural education and communication, indigenous education, the history of books published by the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP), as well as reading in distinct social groups. 

Olaf Kaltmeier is professor of Iberoamerican History at the University of Bielefeld. He serves as director of CALAS-Maria Sybilla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studing in the Humanities and Social Science as well as spokesperson of the BMBF. At the University of Bielefeld, he serves on the Executive Board for the Center for Interamerican Studies (CIAS), as coordinator (with W. Raussert) of the BMBF project "The Americas as a Space of Entanglement" and is coordinator of the research area in the SFB 1288 "Practices of Comparing".

Martin Fuchs, trained in Sociology and Anthropology, Professor for Indian Religious History, Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, University of Erfurt, Germany. Member, and temporarily Director, of the M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences ‘Metamorphoses of the Political’ (ICAS:MP) in Delhi, India. 

Werner Gephart is a legal scholar, sociologist, and artist. He is Founding Director of the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture” and has additionally held numerous visiting professorships around the world, among others the Fulbright Distinguished Chair for German Studies at Washington University, St. Louis, a visiting professorship at the IDC (Herzlyia, Israel) and numerous invitations as professor in Tunis; in addition he has held the Chaire Alfred Grosser at SciencesPo, Paris.

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Fecha: June, 2022

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Podcast: Inter-Cultural Dialogues from a horizontal perspective

Fecha: June, 2022

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