Carlos Alberto Gonzales Zepeda has a degree in Administration from the Cuajimalpa Branch of the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM-C) he is a professor in regional development from El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF). Currently, he is a Phd student in Social Sciences and Humanities at the UAM-C, where he coordinates the Research Group of the Seminar on Multidisciplinary Studies on International Migration (SEMMI) and directs the journal “Diarios del Terruño. Reflections on Migration and Mobility”. He participates as a researcher in the working group “Borders: mobilities, identities and trades” of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO 2019-2022). His research interest are transnational studies, territory, space, and mobility; organizational and institutional studies; social protection in migratory mobility context; qualitative research methods and ethnography.
2021. (with Jorge Culebro Moreno y Armando Islas) (Eds.). Modernización y transformación institucional en México. Hacia nuevos instrumentos de coordinación y regulación, México: DCSH UAM.
2023. con Ester Serra-Mingot. „Conducting team ethnography with African migrants in Mexico: The dynamics of gendered and racialized positionalities in the field. En: Qualitative Research.
2022. con Ester Serra-Mingot. Transnational social protection infrastructures: African migrans in Mexico. En: International Migrations.
2021. con Ester Serra Mingot. «Migraciones africanas y los claroscuros de la protección social en México». En: (Trans)Fronteriza, CLACSO, No. 10. 58-66. Disponible en:
2019, «La metamorfosis de la organización: un balance sobre las asociaciones de inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos», en Jeffrey H. Cohen y Paulette K. Shuster (Eds.), Modelando el transnacionalismo¸ Transnational Press London.
2019. «¿Cómo contribuyen los clubes de oriundos al desarrollo comunitario?», en Gail Mummert (Ed.), Michoacán. Retratos y relatos de migrantes, Colección Matices, El Colegio de Michoacán, pp. 141-168,
2018. «Repensar los espacios transnacionales. Lealtades e identidades en las organizaciones de migrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos», en Maguemati Wabgou (Ed.), Migraciones, políticas internacionales y derechos humanos, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 119-138,
2017. «La organización transnacional en controversia. Clubes de oriundos mexicanos en Estados Unidos». Odisea. Revista de Estudios Migratorios, Buenos Aires: Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani / Facultad de Ciencias Sociales / Universidad de Buenos Aires, núm. 4. pp. 55-84.
2017 (with Jorge E. Culebro Moreno) «Reforma administrativa y seguridad social. La migración, el rostro olvidado de la modernización», CIMEXUS, Morelia: UMSNH, ININEE, Vol. XII, Núm. 1. pp. 37-57.
2017 (with Alejandro Vega Godínez) «Estudio de caso para la docencia. El Club Los Reyes, génesis, evolución y desafíos de un actor social transnacional», Gestión y Política Pública, CIDE, Vol. XXVI, Núm. 2, pp. 525-574.
2014 (with Luis Escala Rabadán) «Modelos organizativos e isomorfismo institucional entre asociaciones de migrantes michoacanos en Los Ángeles, California», Migración y Desarrollo, UAZ, Núm. 22, primer semestre, pp.91-122.
Research Project as CALAS fellow (transatlantic tandem with Ester Serra Mignot)
Title: Protection strategies of African migrants in Mexico. An analysis of social protection infrastructures of mobile populations in crisis contexts.
Abstract: Faced with the enormous gap of inequality, extreme poverty, unemployment, political persecution, and violence. The migration has been and remains to be a social protection strategy for individuals and families. Simultaneously, the increase in restrictive migration policies at global level, pushes many people to seek new migration routes, in which many migrants spend uncertain periods of time in transit countries, with a volatile social protection. In these contexts, which are also affected by violence and socioeconomic crisis, social protection practices take place in conditions of informality and fall mainly on individuals, their social networks and the third sector. Migration and social protection are two phenomena that in recent decades have taken on new forms and, in consequence, different relations among State and society. Many studies have investigated aspects of social protection for migrants from the Global South in industrialized countries of the North, with powerful welfare states.
However, less attention has been paid to social protection strategies for migrants in transit contexts, frequently in the South, where the States tends to withdraw from providing basic services to the population. Therefore, through a qualitative study, with privileges the ethnographic method, the objective of this research is to know and analyze the social protection strategies used in Mexico by African migrants, and how these are perceived and faced by different social actors, in contexts distinguish by violence and inefficient state protection, where the third sector and the social networks are the main sources for mobile populations.