Solapas principales

Dom Lun Mar Mié Jue Vie Sáb
Territorios en disputa. Poéticas y políticas desde el sur

Territorios en disputa. Poéticas y políticas desde el sur

El territorio es una totalidad espacio-temporal que no está simplemente dada, sino que se construye. Es una instancia dinámica que posee una existencia física en determinadas coordenadas de tiempo y lugar; una existencia relacional, ubicua, polisémica y a diferentes escalas por la vinculación con territorios contiguos o discontiguos; una existencia social en tanto construcción social a través del espacio-tiempo producto de conflictos de intereses entre agentes sociales con diferentes lógicas de reproducción; y una existencia emocional vinculada a la reproducción identitaria y afectiva de cada sociedad.

Las ciencias sociales y humanas tendieron tradicionalmente a soslayar el rol que han tenido las identidades étnicas, políticas, de género, de clase y los afectos en los procesos socioterritoriales. Esto comenzó a cambiar en las últimas décadas del siglo XX gracias a los movimientos indigenistas, feministas, LGTBQ+ y movimientos sociales en general, que comenzaron a aportar nuevas preguntas, a visibilizar cómo esas identidades se reproducen en el territorio que las contiene y constituye, y a rebelarse contra esta reproducción basada en categorías hegemónicas y que es altamente injusta.

Esta Plataforma para el Diálogo propone reflexionar sobre las categorías espacio/territorio y sus puestas en práctica, sobre la idea de poder que construyen les diferentes actores desde el territorio en la actualidad a través de diversas formas de oposición y resistencia. El acceso a la tierra, a la salud, a la vivienda, a la alimentación, al uso del espacio público, así como las luchas ambientales y sociales, son algunas de las muestras de las desigualdades complejas y contradictorias que caracterizan a diferentes territorios a lo largo de toda Latinoamérica.

Resignificar y repensar las prácticas de investigadores e investigadoras y activistas desde enfoques teórico-metodológicos y prácticos y considerando los aportes de diversos saberes provenientes desde diferentes territorios enriquece el análisis y brinda una mirada más compleja de los procesos y de las personas que participan en la construcción del territorio a diversas escalas locales y regionales. Desde la perspectiva de la producción horizontal del conocimiento, interesa problematizar la construcción del territorio y reflexionar desde distintas instancias territoriales las diferentes experiencias comunitarias, organizativas y educativas en América Latina.

La Plataforma se realizará en la sede regional Cono Sur y Brasil del CALAS ubicada en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín en Buenos Aires, campus Miguelete. La participación es libre y gratuita.

Descarga el programa 

Mayor información: meriancalasconosur@gmail.com


Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jueves, Octubre 27, 2022 - 09:15
Viernes, Octubre 28, 2022 - 09:15
10/28/2022 - 09:15
Landscapes and Territories in the Anthropocene. Literary and cultural perspectives of representation in the Americas

Landscapes and Territories in the Anthropocene. Literary and cultural perspectives of representation in the Americas

In recent years, the so-called 'Anthropocene' has not only been focused within earth system studies. It has become a central theme in current discourses in the field of cultural studies, political debates, and the literatures and arts of the Americas. Addressed are global environmental phenomena such as climate change, the decline of biodiversity or the increasing exploitation of non-renewable resources of the earth, which in Latin America are discussed under the title '(neo)-extractivism'.

Recently, in the context of the debates in the human sciences devoted to the Anthropocene, a major revision of the usual forms of perception and representation of social, cultural and natural spaces has been initiated, which constitutes the central thematic focus of the conference. On the one hand, the concept of the Anthropocene refers to the period in which the Anthropos has become a central geophysical force on Earth and highlights, in particular, the risks underlying human intervention in the global environment and climate, thereby revealing the finiteness of resources and the 'planetary boundaries' that define the Earth as a biosystem and as a 'contact zone' in which different human and non-human actors interact. On the other hand, the concept presupposes a new interrelation between the figure of the 'earth' (geophysical space) and the 'world' (social, juridical-political space). Thus, representing a specific way of thinking about globalization that opposes the idea of the validity of de-territorialized dynamics of social and economic interaction to the constitutive anchoring of human action in local topographies, geophysically and geographically delimited, which function as the very sites of manifestation of multiple disputes, conflicts and socio-environmental crises that have characterized the globalized world since the period of early modernity.

Furthermore, the concept of the Earth's biosphere relates to different historical conceptions of Nature that in Western thought as well as in cultural representations of the Americas (such as the cosmovision of indigenous peoples) frequently draw on the notion of the ordered cosmos and critically confront the notion of Nature conceived as a potentially infinite 'space of extension' that forms the basis of the dynamics of colonial expansion. At the same time, human intervention in the Earth's geophysical system in no way constitutes the antithesis of the aesthetic and cultural experience of Nature as 'landscape'. In this perspective landscape no longer figures as a homogeneous perceptual space presented to the distanced contemplation of the external observer, but represents a complex geo-imaginary characterized by close interrelationships between geological and climatic conditions, social, architectural and technical infrastructures, as well as aesthetic practices of exploration and geopolitical strategies of territorial appropriation. Therefore, by providing multiple cultural representations in literature, visual arts or architecture that produce varied aesthetic images as well as diverse forms of writing or articulation of natural settings and environmental and territorial systems, the experience, perception and construction of Nature as landscape constitutes a central frame of reference for the conceptualization of the relationship between the human species and its natural environment under Anthropocene conditions.

The conference aims to explore the cultural implications and premises underlying the perception and representation of landscape spaces and geographical territories in the Anthropocene. In this perspective, the Anthropocene is not limited to denote the inherent threat of human intervention in the terrestrial biosystem but is conceived as an important figure of cultural anthropological reflection that, through the heterogeneous articulations of the landscape and the interaction of multiple historical actors and territorial practices, opens new perspectives to think the relationship between land, nature and the world, thus developing a new heuristic of globalization in late Modernity.

The conference is organized by Prof. Dr. Kirsten Kramer of the University of Bielefeld

Sede Principal
Jueves, Octubre 27, 2022 - 09:15
Viernes, Octubre 28, 2022 - 09:15
10/28/2022 - 09:15