Lo primero fue sobrevivir - the first thing was to survive

Cortometrajes ganadores del Concurso Internacional “Experiencias de transformación socioambiental”


DIRECTION: Eric Leonel Chareun



The increase in the experiences of urban recyclers arose mainly in the Buenos Aires conurbation, in the face of the triple social, economic and environmental crisis that Argentina had to go through after the deindustrialization process, promoted by the dictatorships and subsequent liberal governments. The Ramos family is an example of what the crises represented in the life of the population, since their experience arises from the cartoning at the end of the 90's when there was no work. For them, the only possibility was to survive on a daily basis. Several years ago, they managed to set up the Cooperative of General Recycling of Plastics (R.G.P.) in the town of Avellaneda, in the Province of Buenos Aires. As the years went by, this strengthened them economically. After going through different experiences in recycling and scrap metal recycling, they decided to dedicate themselves exclusively to plastic recycling, seeing an economic vein to produce their money and to be able to feed their families. This led them to accumulate large amounts of discarded materials in their warehouse. Environmentally, this is an essential work in this time of climate crisis. Also, this cooperative today supports more than 23 families directly, and many others indirectly. Recycling is not the only solution to the environmental problem we have today, but it is one of the most important environmental tools we have to cushion the impacts of plastic, being a qualified work that they do every day. Not all plastic can be recycled, because there are the so-called "single-use" plastics, being all these a major health problem for the population by the large amount of waste throughout the planet Earth. According to studies, it leads to micro-plastics in the bloodstream and in breast milk. Who is responsible for this problem?


How does the project contribute to more solidary ways of life and economies, as well as socially and ecologically fairer?

The short documentary is guided in principle by a communicative and reflective purpose. It seeks to show a vision of social economy and work that is rarely made visible, the reality of Argentine families who, faced with material and economic difficulties, go out to solve their lives with a solidary and collective perspective. There is no revealed truth, there may be different points of view and interpretations about the material, economic and spiritual benefits that workers receive.

From the experience of the worker cooperative R.G.P. (Reciclado General de Plástico), in the town of Avellaneda in the Province of Buenos Aires, we will see the commitment that the Ramos family has with their environment. From their own need to generate genuine work, mainly to be able to feed themselves, we will learn how cartoning at the end of the 90's helps them reach their current transformation, and how they seek to continue building bridges in the future that allow them to continue growing their project of recycling and recovery of plastic materials. This directly and indirectly, is a benefit for the whole community.

Panelista / Autor / Director: 
Eric Chareun
Ficha técnica: 

Script and Direction: Eric Chareun

Production: Eric Chareun y Mariano Novas

Photography Direction and Camera: Franco Rivero

Camera: Clementine D'amico

Editing: Eric Chareun y Franco Rivero

Colorization: Clementine D'amico

Direct Sound: Gabriel Mir

Original Music: Gabriel Mir

Sound Postproduction: Agustín Moroni

General Production: Kawsay Films

Tecnical Production: Naku

Winning short film


Eric Chareun
Eric Chareun