Winning short films from the International Competition “Experiences of socio-environmental transformation”

Our societies are facing multiple social, environmental, political and economic crises: the unbridled exploitation of natural resources, the emission of unprecedented amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, more precarious working and living conditions, and worsening social inequalities throughout the world. At the same time, forms of coexistence and economy that are more harmonious with their human and environmental surroundings are being practiced around the planet.

The purpose of this international call was to gather these experiences and proposals from different regions of the world and make them visible so that we can find inspiration in them. Invited to express good socio-environmental practices and good (con)living, the short films respond to the following question

How does the project contribute to more supportive, socially and ecologically just ways of life and economies?

Here is a selection of the 9 short films that were and will be shown at different events and venues in Germany and Mexico.