Temporada 1

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In this episode, Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux (Argentina), Angela Schrott (Germany) and Gerardo Gutiérrez Cham (Mexico), experts in the field of linguistics, focus on the analysis of the discourses heard and read daily about the outbreak of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.


In this episode Carmen Chinas (Mexico), David Díaz-Arias (Costa Rica), Christine Hatzky (Germany), Joachim Michael (Germany) and Werner Mackenbach (Costa Rica/Germany) emphasize the crises of violence in Latin American societies, as well as the ongoing efforts and internal strategies for peace that are being developed in the region.

Múltiples voces en un espacio de diálogo que busca poner el acento en los debates de actualidad que enfrenta el pensamiento latinoamericano. Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a: CALAS. Acentos Latinoamericanos, el podcast que analiza la idea y los impactos de las diferentes crisis en y desde América Latina.