Tándem Transatlántico | CALAS

Tándem Transatlántico

Rosa Cañete Alonso

Rosa Cañente Alonso is an economist with 22 years of experience; specialized in the measurement, analysis and design of public policies to address inequality and poverty. She has developed research on power, democracy, inequality and poverty, elites, gender, taxation, tax systems, and social policies, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Carmen Guadalupe Fernández Casanueva

Carmen Guadalupe Fernández Casanueva received her master’s degree and PhD in Sociology from the University of Essex, Great Britain. She had previously completed a degree in Communication Sciences from ITESM CEM. She currently works as a professor-researcher at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) Southeast campus, where she has also been regional director until 2020. It belongs to the National System of Researchers of Mexico, level III.


Yulexis Almeida Junco

Yulexis Almeida Junco holds a PhD in Sociological Sciences, a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies and is a Full Professor in the Department of Sociology of the University of Havana, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, History and Sociology, Vice-president of the gender section of the Cuban Society of Psychology. She is one of the coordinators of the CLACSO Working Group (GT): Civilizing Crisis, Reconfigurations of Racism and Afro-Latin American Movements and the Cuban Afro-feminist Articulation (AAFC).


Mustafa Aksakal

Mustafa Aksakal holds a PhD in sociology and development studies. He currently works as a scientific coordinator and researcher-teacher in the sociology department of the University of Bielefeld. Its empowerment project focuses on the multidimensional analysis of international migration of highly qualified people promoting social inequalities in different ways. In a second research project, Mustafa, in collaboration with Leticia Calderón, studies the institutional and civil society practices in their efforts to treat and integrate migrants trapped in Mexico or deported from the U.S.


Leticia Calderón Chelius

Leticia Calderon Chelius is a Professor-Researcher at the Mora Institute. PhD in Social Sciences with a major in Political Science from FLACSO-Mexico. She belongs to the National System of Researchers (SNI) Level 2. Is specialist in Migratory Processes, specifically in Political Rights of Migrants (pioneer of studies on the vote of Mexicans abroad), Mexico-United States Relations, forced migration, experiences of displacement by violence and intercultural and hospitable cities (experience of Mexico City).


Virginia Vecchioli

Virginia Vecchioli has obtained her Ph.D. in social anthropology from the Museu Nacional, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and made post-doctoral studies at the École Normale Supérieure at Paris (France). She was visiting professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and at the Federal University Rio de Janeiro. Virginia works as a full-time professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil). She teaches at the Ph.D.


Zoltan Kékesi

Zoltán Kékesi is a cultural historian of Central and East Central Europe with a focus on Holocaust research, Jewish history, and memory studies. He works as a research fellow at the Centre for Collective Violence, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University College London. He studied German Studies, Hungarian Studies, and Comparative Literature, and holds a Ph.D. from ELTE (Budapest).


Adolfo Álvarez Macías

Adolfo Álvarez Macías has a Ph.D in Agricultural and Food Economics from the Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Montpellier (France). He is a Professor-Researcher at the Department of Agricultural and Animal Production of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco Unit. He has teaching experience in agricultural economics, public policies, food security, and methodology and methods of research and investment projects in agronomy, veterinary, and zootechnical sciences undergraduate and graduate programs.


Robert Carcamo Mallen

Robert Carcamo Mallen has obtained his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Humboldt University (HU-Berlin), works as an associate researcher in the Agri-Food Chain Management group at HU-Berlin and serves as the coordinator for Europe in the Latin American Network for Rural Innovation (Red LaTIR), in collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Additionally, he is a member of the PAPIIT-UNAM project: Social Innovations and COVID-19.


Yaatsil Guevara González

Yaatsil Guevara González holds a PhD in sociology from Bielefeld University. She has worked at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies (ifeas) at the University of Mainz, at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG) at Bielefeld University), and at the Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS) at Bielefeld University. She recently coordinated the research project “African Trajectories across Central America” funded by the German Research Foundation.
