Fellows CALAS Cono Sur/UNSAM/Jena | CALAS

Fellows CALAS Cono Sur/UNSAM/Jena

David Foitzick Reyes

David Foitzick Reyes is Professor of Spanish Language and Communication, Bachelor of Education, Master of Science in Education with a major in Educational Management and Administration from the Universidad Mayor de Santiago de Chile, and PhD in Romance Philology from the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, with a thesis on poetry of southern Chile. He has participated as a speaker at various international conferences and has published books, articles in joint editions and in university journals.


Eduardo Langer

Eduardo Langer holds a PhD in Education (UBA/Argentina), a Magister in Social Sciences (FLACSO/Argentina) and a Bachelor of Science in Education (UBA/Argentina). He is an Assistant Researcher at CONICET. He is professor of Sociology of Education at the National University of San Martin and National University of Southern Patagonia. He is the Director of Education at the National University of San Martín.


Evangelina Caravaca

Evangelina Caravaca holds a PhD in Social Sciences (UBA/Argentina), a Master in Latin American Studies (Escuela de Humanidades-UNSAM/Argentina) and a Bachelor of Sociology (UBA/Argentina). Assistant Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research. Professor at the IDAES School (UNSAM). Participates as a PhD teacher in various universities in Argentina. Coordinator of the Nucleus of Studies on Violence (EIDAES-UNSAM). Her research topics prioritize sociological approaches over violence with emphasis on collective and institutional violence.
