Eduardo Langer

Eduardo Langer holds a PhD in Education (UBA/Argentina), a Magister in Social Sciences (FLACSO/Argentina) and a Bachelor of Science in Education (UBA/Argentina). He is an Assistant Researcher at CONICET. He is professor of Sociology of Education at the National University of San Martin and National University of Southern Patagonia. He is the Director of Education at the National University of San Martín. His research subjects relate to the relations between governmentality and education from the critical field of sociology of education through the study of pedagogical devices attending, especially the practices of resistance of students and teachers for schooling as presented in the peculiar plots of school life at the secondary level. He is the author of books, scientific articles and papers for academic congresses in the field that can be viewed in


Research project as CALAS fellow

Title: Inequalities, schooling and resistance. Disputes of subjects from education for identities and futures.

Summary: It is proposed to describe and reflect on the meanings that subjects grant in contexts of inequality to disputes over identities as well as strategies, solidarity, and powers deployed in the dynamics of schooling in relation to possible futures. As well as identifying similarities and ruptures between the disputes over identities and futures that have been described in the research in the Argentine educational system, concerning those that occur within the research of CALAS, are practical within or outside schools.


Tipo investigador: 
Investigador Identidad y crisis: