Eje 4) Estudio de los procesos transicionales que amenazan la paz, incluyendo los medios y herramientas para mantenerla y fortalecerla | CALAS

Eje 4) Estudio de los procesos transicionales que amenazan la paz, incluyendo los medios y herramientas para mantenerla y fortalecerla

Daniela Celleri

Associate Researcher at the Department of Sociology of the Leibniz University in Hanover and Professor-Researcher at the Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales in Ecuador. She is currently researching the situation and contribution of immigrants in Ecuador, based on the collection of quantitative and qualitative data on discrimination and access to rights, with the purpose of establishing a scientific basis for the elaboration of Inclusion Policies.


Irene Agudelo Builes

She holds a master’s degree in Cultural Studies awarded by the Universidad Centroamericana de Nicaragua, and a master’s degree in Social Sciences awarded by FLACSO-Mexico. Her research project is entitled “Masculinities and Armed Conflicts. A Study on Violence from a Gender and Memory Perspective”.


Sonya Lipsett-Rivera

Professor of the History Department of Carleton University, Canada. Her work focuses on gender, violence, space, the body and emotions in Nueva España and Mexico in the 19th century. Her research project in CALAS is entitled “Gender and Violence Cycles: Conflict Moments in Latin America as Gender Identity Generators”.
