Social Inequalities and Political Exclusion: a 21st-century revival

Why is it important to discuss social inequalities today? The first and easiest answer would be because not only do they remain unresolved but are increasing every day. In fact, the 21st century has brought a resurgence of the unequal distribution of wealth. As the gap separating rich and poor continues to widen, so do the extent and dimensions from which it is studied. Gender, race, and ethnicity are now seen as critical variables in assessing social inequalities. However, how should social scientists address inequalities in order to effectively target these problems? In this episode, several scholars discuss this matter expanding the dialogues presented at this session of “At the Cutting Edges of Knowledge Production: Borders and Black Holes in Academic Dialogue”, an international conference held by CALAS, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and The Bielefeld University in late 2021.

Social Inequalities and Political Exclusion: a 21st-century revival


Andreas Eckert is professor of African history at Humboldt University Berlin and, since 2009, Director of the Käte Hamburger Collegium “Work and Human Life Course in Global History” (re:work). He has published widely on modern African history, global labor history, slavery and colonialism. His recent publications include General History of Labour in Africa. Workers, Employers and Governments 20th-21st Centuries (Woodbrigde/Rochester 2019, ed. with Stefano Bellucci) and Geschichte der Sklaverei. Von der Antike bis zum 21. Jahrhundert (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2021).

Sérgio Costa, trained in economics and sociology in Brazil and Germany, is a professor of sociology and director of the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, as well as co-director of Mecila.  His areas of interest are postcolonial theory, inequality research, racism and antiracism, conviviality, and difference.

Rachid Ouaissa holds the chair of Middle Eastern Politics at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) at Philipps-University Marburg. His research and teaching focuses on North-South relations, the rise of fundamentalist movements, EU-Mediterranean policy, rentier economies and systems of rule in the Middle East and North Africa. He has many years of experience with collaborative projects and international cooperation. 

Heidi Hein-Kircher earned her M.A. and PhD from Heinrich Heine-University in Düsseldorf. Working on the research staff of the Herder-Institute for Historical Research in East Central Europe – Member of the Leibniz-Association in Marburg, Germany since 2003, she has became the head of the department “Academic Forum” in 2009. In her research, she focuses on urban history (emerging cities) of the 19th and 20th in East Central Europe in regard to modernization, knowledge transfer, and nationalization as well as historical critical security and conflict studies.

Mara Viveros Vigoya is a doctor in Anthropology, School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences of Paris (EHESS); Master in Latin American Studies (IHEAL, Paris III), and an economist at the National University of Colombia. Titular Professor of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the National University of Colombia, she has taught and developed a good part of her research projects since 1998 in the Department of Anthropology and the School of Gender Studies, where she was a director in 2010-2012 and 2016-2018.

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Fecha: June, 2022

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Podcast: Social Inequalities and Political Exclusion: a 21st-century revival

Fecha: June, 2022

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