Latin America is regularly described as a violent region. This statement is based on specific data, but leaves aside the region's ongoing efforts and internal peace-seeking strategies. In an attempt to unveil these struggles, the CALAS Center created the Knowledge Lab: Visions of Peace, which has set out to address, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the transitions and intertwinings between peace and violence in diverse contexts and historical moments. This perspective emphasizes the gray zones of contact and affection that exist between the constellations of peace and violence, those where the difference between one and the other is difficult to establish clearly. In this episode we will listen to the scientific committee of the laboratory, a group of experts that goes beyond the conventional approach in the Social Sciences and Humanities, who will emphasize the crises of violence, the other reasons that call into question the social order that produce an atmosphere of insecurity in Latin American societies, as well as the continuous efforts and internal strategies in search of peace that have been developed for centuries in the region.
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Guadalajara y posdoctorado en Derecho por la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. Trabaja como profesora en la Universidad de Guadalajara en México y coordinó el proyecto de investigación e intervención: Arte y Cultura de Paz, en espacios comunitarios con el objetivo de propiciar en los niños un acercamiento a nuevas formas de convivencia social para la prevención de la violencia. Desde mayo 2019 ejerce como coodinadora local del Laboratorio de Conocimiento: Visiones de Paz en la sede principal del CALAS Center en Guadalajara, México.