Trabajo decente y sociedad

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Focusing the interest on the world of labor in Cuba and the processes related to its structuring and development, from a Social Sciences perspective, is the noble objective pursued by the compilers of this significant text. This book analyzes the labor and economic problems faced by the country after the updating of the economic model, a common debate not only for the scientific community, but also for the country's decision-makers and leaders. Therefore, addressing issues such as the position of young people vis-à-vis self-employment, the evolution of the Cuban state enterprise, the new role of the cooperative perspective in Cuba, as well as the phenomenon of informal labor in the country, is essential to understand the current socio-labor reality, thus contributing to its positive transformation. Decent work and society. Cuba under the perspective of labor studies is a text that proposes a lucid look at the socioeconomic context of the country and invites to dialogue with specialists and interested readers.

Osnaide Izquierdo Quintana y Hans-Jürgen Burchardt (compiladores): La Habana 2017, Editorial UH.

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Saturday, December 1, 2018