La guerra en Ucrania. Miradas desde América Latina

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The escalation of the conflict in Eastern Europe following the invasion of Russian troops into Ukrainian territory on February 24, 2022 has immediately become a crisis of global dimensions and consequences. Although Latin America and the Caribbean are supposedly far from the war, they are not exempt from the impacts and political or economic repercussions.

This dossier intends to reflect on the positions that Latin American governments have taken in the face of the escalation of the conflict in Europe. It is of interest not only to make known the positions of the political decision-makers, but also how they incite - or not - internal debates in the countries. Beyond the political actors, other voices and positions that appear in the media coverage of the conflict are shown.

M. Bergel, J. Bokser Liwerant, A. Carosio, M. Castillo, D. Díaz Arias, W. Espronceda, R. González, J. Kemner, E. Lander, B. López Petzoldt, I. Lungo Rodríguez, A. Marchesi, A. Nogueira, F. Ramírez. I. Rodríguez, J-V. Tavares dos Santos
Tuesday, March 15, 2022