In addition to its research fellowships, CALAS invites scholars to present research results at international conferencies organized or co-ordinized at different venues.
Currently, the following call for propopals are open:
Latin America is a showcase for a severe asymmetry in the distribution of income and wealth. This conference seeks to bring together perspectives on elites and wealth in the region and aims to discuss new and interesting approaches. We are especially interested in theoretically sophisticated, empirically rich and innovative research designs that tackle or even combine the dimensions presented above. CALAS aims to not only flesh out the relevance of elites and wealth for Academia, but also wishes to contribute to political perspectives for Latin America.
The call is open until July 11, 2021. The conditions can be consulted here.
September 4, 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the electoral triumph of the Unidad Popular (UP) in Chile. It was an event of extraordinary repercussion in Latin America and globally. With the inauguration of Salvador Allende, a process of ambitious and original political reform began in Chile within the framework of other projects that had similar objectives to those of the UP. Looking back to that bifurcation of history that meant the "Chilean case" is a particularly relevant exercise for the analysis of Latin America. This platform seeks to systematize these efforts and analyze them within the framework of the new regional reality.
The call is aimed at applicants from the Social Sciences and Humanities who can contribute to the topics exposed both in empirical and theoretical and methodological terms. It is open until May 30, 2021. The conditions can be consulted here.
Democracy as a political regime is experiencing a global crisis. The generalized diagnosis points towards an institutional failure in the organization of life in common in our contemporary societies, linked with growing demands of economic welfare, recognition and inclusion, justice and security. In this context, and despite its national particularities, countries in the Latin American region share a common denominator: the questioning of liberal-democratic regimes and the moral bankruptcy of the prevailing economic system in each case. This platform is an invitation to deepen our understanding regarding the nature and meaning of democratic deficits in the region, to revisit the analytic categories with which we operate, and to collectively think about the existing and desirable alternatives to the current state of democracies.
The call is open until May 9, 2021. The conditions can be consulted here.