Cinthia Wanschelbaum

Cinthia Wanschelbaum holds a PhD from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), in the area of Education Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in Education, from the same University. She is a Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) based at the Institute for Research in Educational Sciences (IICE) of the UBA and Professor of the subject Theories of Education II, of the Department of Education of the National University of Luján (UNLU). Professor in the Doctoral Programs of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA. She has obtained the scholarships "Georg Forster Research Fellowships for experienced researchers" from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany and "Research Stays for Academics and University Scientists" of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for research stays at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She investigates topics related to the theory, politics and history of education.




2023. Caer en la escuela pública. Las estrategias del gobierno de Mauricio Macri en la educación. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Luxemburg

2022. El proyecto educativo conservador del gobierno de Macri y los vínculos con actores privados. Mecila Working Paper Nº47. The Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America (Mecila). São Paulo, Brasil.  

2020 (with Imen, P.; Aguirre, J.M; Ferreirós, F.; Saab Morandi, A.P.; Mamani, A.). Reflexiones políticas y pedagógicas desde la universidad en tiempos de pandemia. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Luján.  


Journal artícles and book chapters:

2023. Derecha y Educación. Deslegitimación y colonización de la educación pública durante el gobierno de Macri. Revista IRICE. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) y Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

2022 (with Giniger, N.). Cimientos de la privatización educativa. Terrorismo de Estado, Responsabilidad Social Empresaria y Educación durante el gobierno de Mauricio Macri. Revista Pilquen, Sección Ciencias Sociales, Vol.25, Nº3. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. ISSN 1851-3123.  

2021. La ofensiva de la derecha en la educación y las formas encubiertas de privatización. Espacios en Blanco, Revista de educación. Núcleo de Estudios Educacionales y Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, UNICEN. ISSN 1515-9485. e-ISSN 2313-9927.

2021 (with Bianco, A., Shabel, P., Abrahaan Hom, Z.). Lafware educativo recargado. Revista Hamartia. 

2018. La política educativa del aristogato. Márgenes. Revista de Economía Política, Año IV, N°4, Instituto de Industria, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. ISSN 2362-1931.

2018 (with Giniger, N.). De Ayotzinapa a Moreno. En Revista Hamartia. 

2018. La violación del derecho humano a la educación. En Revista Hamartia. 

2018. Otra vez sopa. La "Transformación Educativa" macrista. En Revista Hamartia. 



Research project as CALAS fellow

Title: Rights, education and hegemony in Latin America

Summary: According to the transdisciplinary research program of CALAS "Facing crises: transdisciplinary perspectives from Latin America", the research project aims to contribute to the development of new methodological and analytical approaches to understanding changes and crises in Latin America, particularly in the field of education. The research focus is on the current educational strategies of governments and right-wing forces in Latin America. The overall goal is to investigate, from a critical education theory perspective, what the right wing says and does, and offer solutions to disrupt its growth. The proposal is part of the research I am developing as a Researcher at CONICET in Argentina "Rights, education and hegemony. The strategies of governments and right-wing forces in education in Argentina from 2015 to the present".

We are witnessing a process of ultra-political rightwing in which pre-existing rights are radicalized. In these moments of crisis, economic power is intervening alongside the extreme right in order to recompose the power of capital in the face of the danger of the disintegration of the neoliberal project, in particular, and of capitalism, in general, and are generating consensus in society that, until a few years ago and in Latin America in particular, did not seem a (so) possible horizon. In this crisis and in the search for the right to recover political leadership, one of the fields in which governments and right-wing forces act and develop their political and cultural struggle is in education.
