Inés Nercesian is a Doctor in Social Sciences, a Master in Research in Social Sciences and a Bachelor of Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. She is an Adjunct Researcher at CONICET based at the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. She coordinates the Electoral Observatory of Latin America (OBLAT) at the UBA and is co-coordinator of the CLACSO Working Group “Business elites, State, and domination”. She is a professor at Universad de Buenos Aires and UNDAV and teaches postgraduate courses at various institutions. She is the author of the book: “Presidentes empresarios y captura del Estado. América Latina en el siglo XXI (2020)”. She has published numerous articles in Argentine and foreign scientific journals and has participated in a large number of national and international Congresses and Conferences.
Selected publications
2020. Presidentes empresarios y Estados capturados. América Latina en el siglo XXI. Buenos Aires: Teseo/IEALC.
2013. La política en armas y las armas de la política. Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. 1950-1970, CLACSO, Flacso Brasil, IEALC, Buenos Aires.
Chapters in journals and edited books:
2021 (with Roberto Cassaglia y Vannessa Morales Castro). “Pandemia y políticas públicas en América Latina”, Revista Apuntes 89: 65-93.
2020. “’Los mejores, los más preparados’. Presidentes y gabinetes con sesgo empresarial en América Latina (2000-2019). Revista Internacional de Organizaciones 225/226: 71-102.
2020 (with Marina Mendoza). “Empresariado y poder político: PPK y Piñera (2010-2018), Revista Mexicana de Sociología 83: 73-102.
2019 (with Roberto Cassaglia). “Radiografía de los gabinetes ministeriales en Perú y Brasil (2016-2018)” Revista Telos (21) 2: 372-386.
2017. “La experiencia de Velasco Alvarado en Perú (1968-1975). Intelectuales y política. Una aproximación”, en el@tina, (15) 59: 19-35.
2017. “Las coaliciones electorales en la izquierda Chilena. Una lectura del presente a partir del pasado”, Cuadernos del CISH 38.
2017. “Los gobiernos posneoliberales y los debates pendientes en el cambio de época”, Revista Pilquen (20) 3.
2016. “Los grupos económicos de poder en Perú. Algunas claves para pensar el gobierno de Kuczynski”, Revista Paraguaya de Sociología: 79-96.
Research Project as CALAS fellow:
Title: Entrepreneurship, influence and capture in Argentina and Mexico in the context of crisis(2020-2021)
Abstract: The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic deepened inequalities in practically all countries. In Latin America, one of the most unequal regions in the world, the negative impact was made more notable by the precariousness of its economies and its dependent and concentrated structure. Income concentration is a long-lasting structural phenomenon and the strategies and the strategies for its study have become increasingly complex. One of the causes of this difficulty is the lack of reliable data, the opacity of the economic elites, their exchange networks, and the circulation of influences. The objective of the project is to study the networks and the conditioning mechanisms of public policy or state capture by the business community. We propose to destabilize concepts that are often presented as watertight compartments such as entrepreneurship, state capture and public policies, seeking to analyze the ways in which economic elites convey their interests. We will study the cases of Argentina and Mexico during the period 2020-2021 by generating a methodological strategy that combines various data collection techniques.
Specific Objectives
- Characterize the socioeconomic panorama of Argentina and Mexico in the framework of the pandemic and to map the economic sectors that have obtained greater profits during the crisis.
- Describe and characterize the main public policies that could have affected the interests of economic elites in Argentina and Mexico during the 2020-2021 period. The following will be taken into account: fiscal policies, regulatory frameworks, price control, tax exemption policies, eventual modification policies in the public-private system, subsidies for industrial investments, tariff protection, granting credit.
- Systematize the public positions of the main business chambers in both countries in response to state policies.
- Identify the main referents of the economic elites and systematize their public interventions in the media, personal networks, interviews.
- Based on the previous objectives, we propose to reconstruct, characterize and make visible the circuit of networks and circulation of business influences that could have conditioned public policies, causing the capture of state decisions.
- Generate recommendations for the development of policies that regulate the circulation of influence.