Gabriele Knauer (PhD, University of Leipzig) is professor emeritus of Romance Languages at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. From 1992 to 1993 she was a fellow of the Alejandro de Humboldt Foundation at the Colegio de México. Her current research areas include variational linguistics, sociolinguistics, media linguistics and discourse analysis. Her regional focuses are the United States, the Caribbean, and Mexico.
Publications (Selection)
1998. Der Subjuntivo im Spanischen Mexikos. Sein Wechselverhältnis zwischen Syntax. Semantik und interaktionalen Faktoren. Tübingen: Niemeyer. [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 292].
Edited Books
2020. with Ineke Phaf. Caribbean Worlds – Mundos caribeños – Mondes Caribéens. Bibliotheca-Iberoamericana 177, Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
2005. with Valeriano Bellosta von Colbe. Variación sintáctica en español: Un reto para las teorías de la sintaxis. Tübingen: Niemeyer (= Linguistische Arbeiten 494)
2020. with Alejandro Sánchez Castellanos. Paisajes lingüísticos en cambio: análisis lingüístico del Cartel Político y Social en el espacio público cubano desde 1959 hasta la actualidad. En: Gabriele Knauer/Ineke Phaf (eds.): Caribbean Worlds – Mundos caribeños – Mondes Caribéens. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana/Vervuert. [Bibliotheca-Iberoamericana 177], 185-207.
2020. with Jenny Nenoff. Del “hacer timbiriches” al ser cuentapropista en Cuba: negociación discursiva de un concepto y sus implicaciones ideológicas, lingüísticas y sociolaborales. En: Gabriele Knauer/Ineke Phaf (eds.): Caribbean Worlds – Mundos caribeños – Mondes Caribéens. Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana/Vervuert. [Bibliotheca-Iberoamericana 177], 237-259.
2018. Estilos comunicativos de cubano-americanos y cubanos en el debate público: un estudio metadiscursivo del panel Último jueves en Miami. En: Carolin Patzelt/ Carolina Spiegel/ Katrin Mutz (Hrsg.): Migración y contacto de lenguas en la Romania del siglo XXI / Migration et contact de langues au XXe siècle. Berlin: Peter Lang, 205-221.
2017. Audiovisual Latino Media in the US: The emergence of bilingual media text genres in the interface between language contact, language policy and translation. En: Bedjis, Kristina/Maaß, Christiane (Eds.): Manual of Romance Languages in the Media. Berlin, 363-380.
2008. Rasgos polémicos en la comunicación pública actual en Cuba. En: Jenny Haase/ Janett Reinstädler/ Susanne Schlünder (Hrsg.): El andar tierras, deseos y memorias. Homenaje a Dieter Ingenschay. Madrid [et al.]: Iberoamericana, pp. 219-231.
Research project
Title: Problematizing social inequalities in Cuba: discursive traditions and the culture of public debates under conditions of official egalitarianism
Abstract: Our project focuses on the crises and their social consequences in Cuba (inequalities, poverty, wealth) from 2008 to the present. This period has been period characterized by Raul Castro's takeover and the ‘modernization’ of the Cuban economic and social model. The main challenge of the study is to systematize the knowledge generated about the processes of social heterogenization that accompany crisis, both in the social sciences and in the population, and to develop further insights into linguistic practices and discursive formations of their problematization. We start from the assumption that there is a specific model of the culture of public debate in Cuba that can be interpreted as a set of glotopolitical interventions illuminating the relationship between language and power relations. In general terms, we will focus on the link between the phenomenon of the crisis (economic and social, migration and identity) and the culture of public debates, that is, the management of the crisis(es) at the level of discourse in public spaces. In the Cuban case, these public spaces are mostly controlled by the State. The linguistic database consists of the Corpus of Public Spanish of Cuba (CORESPUC) elaborated in a common project of the University of Havana, the University Erlangen-Nürnberg and the University Humboldt of Berlin. Our proposal aims at reinforcing the linguistic-discursive and glotopolitical perspectives in the CALAS-context, in order to expand the methodological toolset and concretizing the transdisciplinary perspective.