Área Creativa “Investigando riqueza, poder y naturaleza: convergencias y divergencias entre ciencias sociales y humanidades (ConDiv) | CALAS

Área Creativa “Investigando riqueza, poder y naturaleza: convergencias y divergencias entre ciencias sociales y humanidades (ConDiv)

Gabriele Knauer

Gabriele Knauer (PhD, University of Leipzig) is professor emeritus of Romance Languages at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. From 1992 to 1993 she was a fellow of the Alejandro de Humboldt Foundation at the Colegio de México. Her current research areas include variational linguistics, sociolinguistics, media linguistics and discourse analysis.  Her regional focuses are the United States, the Caribbean, and Mexico.


Publications (Selection)



Lidia Becker

Lidia Becker (PhD, University of Trier) is professor in the area of Romanic and Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Hannover (Germany). She studied Hispanic and Romanic linguistics at the Universities of Voronezh (Russia), Mainz and Trier (Germany) with stays in Siena (Italy), Lisbon, Buenos Aires and Mexico City. She currently works in the fields of glotopolitics, the sociology of language, the linguistics of discourse and the historiography of linguistics.


Publications (selection)

