Néstor García Canclini: Ciudadanos reemplazados por algoritmos

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Who worries about us as citizens? Many parties and unions seem to be reduced to domes that distribute prebends. Since the expansion of video politics, television channels complaints and social criticism of those in power, reducing us to spectators. The networks promise horizontality and participation, but they tend to generate highly intense and short-lived movements.

Our opinions and behaviors, captured by algorithms, are subordinated to globalized corporations. The public space becomes opaque and distant. De-citizenization becomes radicalized, while some sectors reinvent themselves and win partial conflicts. But the neoliberal uses of technologies maintain and deepen the major inequalities. What alternatives do we have in the presence of this dispossession? Dissent, hacking? What is the role of the vote in this relationship between state and society reprogrammed by technologies and the market?

Néstor García Canclini was born in Argentina in 1939 and has lived in Mexico since 1976. He has a PhD in Philosophy from the universities of Paris and La Plata, is a Distinguished Professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México and Researcher Emeritus of the National System of Researchers. He received the Guggenheim Scholarship and several national and international awards for his books, among them the Book Award from the Latin American Studies Association for Hybrid Cultures. He has been a consultant for UNESCO and other international organizations.

Sunday, December 1, 2019