Nestor Garcia Canclini

Néstor García Canclini is a Distinguished Professor at the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico and Researcher Emeritus of the National System of Researchers of Mexico. He has taught at the University of Texas at Austin, Duke, New York University, Stanford, and the universities of Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. He is also an adviser to the Organization of Ibero-American States and a member of the Scientific Committee of the World Culture Report of UNESCO. He is a recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Casa de las Américas prize, and the Latin American Studies Association’s Book Award for his book Culturas híbridas. In 2014, he was awarded the National Prize for Arts and Sciences in Mexico.

His recent books include El mundo como lugar extraño (The Whole World as a Strange Place) and an investigation he coordinated entitled Hacia una antropología de los lectores (Towards an Anthropology of Readers). Currently, he studies the relationships that exist among anthropology, aesthetics, reading, creatives strategies, and youth culture networks.


Books (selection)

2019. Ciudadanos reemplazados por algoritmos. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José CR / Quito / Buenos Aires: CALAS.

2015. Hacia una antropología de los lectores. Néstor García Canclini, Eduardo Nivón Bolán, Rosalía Winocur Iparraguirre, Carmen Pérez Camacho, Carla Pinochet Cobos , Verónica Gerber Bicecci y Andrés López Ojeda, México, UAM/ Ariel /Fundación Telefónica / ed. Paidós, S.A de C.V.

2014.El mundo entero como lugar extraño, Buenos Aires, Gedisa.

2013. Jóvenes creativos: estrategias y redes digitales. Néstor García Canclini y Ernesto Piedras (Coords.), Alejandro Arriaga, Verónica Gerber, Iliria Hernández, Enedina Ortega, Ariadne Rivera y Gonzalo Rojón, México, FONCA / UAM / Editorial Juan Pablos.

2012. Jóvenes, culturas urbanas y redes digitales. Prácticas emergentes en las artes, el campo editorial y la música. Néstor García Canclini, Francisco Cruces y Maritza Urteaga, México, Fundación Telefónica / Editorial Ariel.

2010. La sociedad sin relato: Antropología y estética de la inminencia, México, Katz Editores.

1999. La globalización imaginada, Barcelona,Buenos Aires,México,Paidós,1999.

1990. Culturas híbridas. Estrategias para entrar y salir de la modernidad, México, Grijalbo / CONACULTA, 1990. 


Research project as a fellow of CALAS:

Title: Cultural Crisis of Citizenship

Title: This project deals with the transformations that raise doubts that we can function as free citizens, capable of effective actions. I will start from the political and economic changes that were removing key functions from the national states -governing the economy and controlling what enters and leaves each country-, with which the scope of citizen action passes to opaque or diffuse globalized instances: the IMF, the WTO, etc. But I am preferably interested in what happens in culture and communications as areas of formation and dilution of citizenship. Even in the region where the internationalization of the economy and political management was accompanied by multicultural citizenship, the European Union, citizens feel that supranational bureaucracies and legal instances are far away (Abélès, 1996; Balibar, 2013; Penélope Harvey, 1996; Morley, 2008). The incorporation of citizens is almost invisible in MERCOSUR, where shared citizenship was also established, much weaker than the European one, and almost null in the North American FTA, in which agreements are sometimes approved by congresses and even then little is said about citizen interests: the circulation of merchandise is legislated, not of migrants, between Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

The research will focus particularly on cultural and communicational changes, that is, those referring to technological transformations, the exercise of power, and social coexistence that hinder citizenship, at least as we understood it in the twentieth century. I am thinking mainly of the crises of citizenship caused by the massive expansion of television, which generated video politics, the new practices that create citizen communities and consumers on the Internet, and the most recent replacement of citizens by algorithms that restructure decision-making bodies. and technosocial rationality.
