Eje 2) Estudio de visiones y discursos paradigmáticos de paz, violencia y guerra, así como de sus expresiones culturales y artísticas | CALAS

Eje 2) Estudio de visiones y discursos paradigmáticos de paz, violencia y guerra, así como de sus expresiones culturales y artísticas

Ronja Hollstein

She holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Philology and History, both awarded by Leibniz Universität Hannover. She has completed several long-term academic stays in Latin America (Puebla, Mexico, and Talca, Chile). Her doctoral project in CALAS is entitled “Words of Peace and Violence. FARC Discourse on Peace Processes in El Caguán (1998-2002) and Havana (2012-2016)”.


Jaime Ginzburg

Professor of Brazilian Literature at Universidade de São Paulo and researcher of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. He conducts research on the relationship between culture and violence, emphasizing productions related to authoritative regimes in Brazil. His research project in CALAS is entitled “Violence Representations in the Cinema of Brazil and Mexico”.


Juan Pablo Gómez

Researcher and professor at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Social Sciences of the Universidad Centroamericana. He conducts research on memory construction processes regarding the recent past of Nicaragua and Central America. His research project in CALAS is entitled “Uses of Recent Past and Memory in the Transition to Peace in Nicaragua: Politics, Stakeholders, Discourses, Devices”.


Héctor M. Leyva

Professor at the School of Literature and Spanish Language of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. His work aims at articulating cultural and literary criticism with the search of responses to extreme violence situations in Central America. His research project in CALAS is entitled “Fractured Voices: Testimonies of Violence in the North Triangle of Central America”.


Ileana Rodríguez

Ileana Rodríguez (Ph.D. University of California, San Diego) is Professor Emeritus in Humanities and Distinguished Professor from The Ohio State University. Her books deal with the intersection of gender, politics, and sexuality, with a particular focus on sexual abuse, male perversion, and state collaboration on these issues. She also argues the culture as the basic support of the political.


Research line:

The Prose of the Counterinsurgency.


José Vicente Tavares dos Santos

Jose Vicente Tavares dos Santos is Senior Professor of Sociology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Director of the ILEA - Latin American Institute for Advanced Studies (2012-2020) - UFRGS. Doctorat d’Etat from the University of Paris - Nanterre (1987). Researcher at CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development; Former president of ALAS - Latin American Sociological Association (2003-2005) and SBS - Brazilian Society of Sociology (1998-2001).


Mariana di Stefano

Professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, the Universidad Nacional de las Artes and the Universidad Nacional de San Martín. She specializes in the study of written culture, from the perspective of glotopolitics and discourse analysis. Her research project in CALAS is entitled “Meanings of Violence and Peace in the Trials of the Juntas (Argentina, 1985)”..
