Jose Vicente Tavares dos Santos is Senior Professor of Sociology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Director of the ILEA - Latin American Institute for Advanced Studies (2012-2020) - UFRGS. Doctorat d’Etat from the University of Paris - Nanterre (1987). Researcher at CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development; Former president of ALAS - Latin American Sociological Association (2003-2005) and SBS - Brazilian Society of Sociology (1998-2001). He conducts research on the sociology of conflict and violence, as well as the sociology of the novel, qualitative methodologies, and compared sociology in Latin American countries.
Current work or most recent line of research
Sociology of Conflict and Violence;
Sociology of the Novel;
Qualitative Research Methodologies (CAQDAS);
Comparative Sociology of the Latin American Countries and the BRICS.
Main publications
2019. O Romance da Violência (sociologia das metamorfoses do romance policia). Porto Alegre, TOMO, 2019.
2019. con Nília Viscardi; ANGARITA CAÑAS, Pablo Emilio; BRASIL, Glaucíria Mota (Orgs.). Violência, Segurança e Política: processos e figurações. Porto Alegre, TOMO / CLACSO / UFRGS / UDELAR / UECE, 2019. ( )
2016. con FACHINETTO, Rochele Fellini; TEIXEIRA, Alex Niche; MADEIRA, Ligia Mori; CELMER, Elisa ; SCHABBACH, Leticia ; PASSIANI, Ênio; PIMENTA, Melissa de Mattos (Organizadores). Violências e Mundialização. Porto Alegre, TOMO Editorial, 2016
2014. con César Barreira (Eds.). Paradoxos da Segurança Cidadã. Porto Alegre, TOMO, 2014. ( )
2014.con MADEIRA, Lígia (Eds.). Segurança Cidadã. Porto Alegre, TOMO, 2014.
2012.con TEIXEIRA, Alex N. (Eds.). Conflitos Sociais e Perspectivas da Paz. Porto Alegre: TOMO, 2012, 428 p.
2011. con TEIXEIRA, A.N.; RUSSO, Maurício (Eds.). Violência e Cidadania: práticas sociológicas e compromissos sociais. P. Alegre: UFRGS, 2011, 531 p. ( )
2009. Violências e Conflitualidades. Porto Alegre: TOMO, 2009, 180 p.
2009. (Ed.). Mundialização e Sociologia Crítica da América Latina. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2009, 300 p.
2009. (Ed.). Violências, Lutas Sociais e Democracia na América Latina. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2009, 270 p.
Research Project as a fellow of CALAS:
Title: The novel of violence. Beyond the crime novel.
Abstract: The theme of the project is the updating of the crime novel in another literary form in terms of a structural variation, what we call the "novel of violence". We are going to study this new literary form in the following authors: Ernesto Mallo (Argentina); Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (Brazil); Laura Restrepo; Juan Gabriel Vásquez (Colombia); Anacristina Rossi (Costa Rica); Ramón Díaz Eterovic (Chile); Elmer Mendoza (Mexico); Miguel Gutiérrez (Peru); Fernando Butazzoni (Uruguay). From this analysis of literary figures, we can suggest the existence of a representation in the contemporary society based on violence as a social norm, the expression of a culture of violence that is socially legitimized and present in the age of globalization of conflicts. This novelistic production could be perceived as a figuration of a process of diffuse power relations in society, reproducing a culture of violence. The objective of the project is to deconstruct the culture of violence, in its morphological terms, in order to propose a political education for the construction of peace, with public policies aimed at mediating conflicts, listening to the other, and the recognition of the cultural diversity.