Calls | Page 12 | CALAS


Compared to other world regions, Latin America is characterized by high levels of social inequality. Although past governments have tried to address this condition through different social policies, the highly unequal distribution of income and wealth has remained persistent. Some economic sectors such as finance, telecommunications, commerce and agro-industry are highly concentrated and dominated by a handful of corporations (grupos economicos). Similarly, and in the light of expanding agricultural frontiers, the ownership of land shows an increasingly unequal distribution. Lately, the Covid...
Na América Latina e no Caribe, a violência se manifesta de diversas formas que afetam, particularmente, os grupos mais jovens da população. Estes são vulneráveis ao crime e à marginalização social, econômica e cultural. Por isso, as experiências da juventude são indispensáveis para a reflexão sobre modos de viver sem violência. O presente concurso chama as/os jovens a se pronunciarem a respeito dessa crise, convidando-os a expressar sua visão sobre as consequências da violência e, especificamente, sua forma de compreender possíveis modos de convivência pacífica. Elementos que devem ser...
In Latin America and the Caribbean, violence manifests itself in many different forms that affect particularly young people. They are vulnerable to crime and social, economic and cultural marginalization. Therefore, the experiences of young people are key to thinking ways of living without violence. The contest calls youngsters to speak out on this crisis. They are invited to express their views on the consequences of violence and, specifically, their ways of understanding possible forms of peaceful coexistence. Elements to consider Local contexts: Although peace and violence are...
Latin America is the most unequal region in the world and mechanisms to regulate wealth and reduce inequity continue to failure. Historically, our societies have been characterized by regressive tax systems, states captured by financial elites, capital flight, and the embezzlement of public funds. Tax revenues in Latin America depend on consumption duties and the export of raw materials. By 2015, only 1.8% of GDP was generated from income tax, compared to 8.3% in OECD countries. In some nations of the region, accumulated wealth reaches 60% of GDP. This historical concentration of wealth,...
Am Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS) der Universität Bielefeld wird im Rahmen des durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Verbundprojekts "Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Coping with Crises" (CALAS) ein*e wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in für die Geschäftsstelle am CALAS Hauptstandort an der Universität von Guadalajara in Mexiko zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt, spätestens zum 15.01.2022, gesucht. Das internationale und interdisziplinäre Verbundprojekt verantwortet ein Center for Advanced...
This platform intends to reflect about the articulation between politics, affects and identities in Latin America in contexts crossed by multiple crises. Latin America, like the rest of the world, is going and has gone through various moments of crisis, of rapid and convulsive changes and others slow but lasting. In this broad sense, which Marshall Berman has defined as the experience of modernity, it can be argued that the world has always been in crisis or that all periods contain their crisis. The set of experience, social and individual, that human beings all over the world share today,...
Enfoque temático: El impacto del Covid-19 sobre las desigualdades en América Latina La crisis ocasionada por el estallido de la pandemia del Covid 19 está llevando a una ruptura de magnitud histórica en todo el planeta. En América Latina, donde se propaga tardíamente ya se están observando diversos efectos en la sociedad, la política y la economía. No es sólo el virus altamente infeccioso el que mata. Se está imponiendo sobre estructuras marcadas por profundas fisuras de la desigualdad social, la miseria material de partes importantes de la población y la ausencia o total fragmentación de...
Congreso de cierre del Laboratorio de Conocimiento “Visiones de paz: transiciones entre la violencia y la paz en América Latina”: La serpiente y el fénix: procesos de transición entre violencia y paz en América Latina Guadalajara, 23-25 de septiembre 2020   Contexto de investigación: Entre el 2019 y el 2020, el Laboratorio de Conocimiento “Visiones de paz: Transiciones entre la violencia y la paz en América Latina” del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos Avanzados (CALAS) se ha concentrado en el estudio de un tema que resulta fundamental para entender América Latina, a...
Call: Organization of two “Platforms for dialogue” in Guadalajara/México   To foster international academic exchange and discussion, the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS) calls for applications to organize two “platforms for dialogue” at its headquarter in Guadalajara, Mexico. The Platform for Dialogue is a collaborative format to promote interdisciplinary, interregional, and intergenerational dialogue in relation to a delimited topic. It is an academic event for a group of 15 to 30 participants, and may last from two to five days. Financial...
Call: Research fellowship for a “Transatlantic Tandem” at the CALAS headquarters in Guadalajara, Mexico   To promote dialogue and exchange between early-career researchers, the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS) is accepting applications for a dual research fellowship (up to six months) inside its program “Transatlantic Tandem”, located at its headquarter in Guadalajara, Mexico. Two researchers – one from Latin America and one from Europe (Germany) – will work in a collaborative manner on a particular research topic related to the CALAS research...