Rike Bolte

Rike Bolte holds a PhD in Latin American Studies and Cultural Studies from the Humboldt University of Berlin (ADLAF Prize 2012).  Master of Arts in Hispanic Studies and Germanistics from the Humboldt University, and Latin American Studies from the Free University of Berlin. Before taking up a position as Professor in the Department of Humanities and Philosophy of the Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla, Colombia, she was Professor and Academic Advisor of French and Spanish-speaking Literature at the University of Osnabrück, Assistant professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin (Romanesque Studies), and Doctoral Professor at the Institute of Latin American Studies (FU) in Berlin. Her research areas are Memory Studies, Poetology, Ecocriticism and Sequential Art (comics and graphic novel), and Poetryfilm. In addition to her academic positions, she is co-founder and director of the international poetry festival Latinale in Berlin (Instituto Cervantes), moderator and translator of Spanish, French and Catalan into German. In 2020 she received the international translation prize from the House of World Cultures in Berlin (HKW), for the translation of the novel Belle Merveille by James Noël (Haiti). Co-Coordinator of the event Parataxe - Puerto Berlin (Literarisches Colloquium Berlin) on the arrival of Latin American literatures in Berlin (2017). Jury for selection of scholarships that strengthen the creation of non-German writings in Berlin (Berlin Senate of Culture); member of the poetry research network, Netzwerk Lyrik; international member of the Multidisciplinary Programme on the Greater Caribbean, Horizons Caribéens (University of Bordeaux).

Her poetryfilm "Virus dreams", made together with Inti Gallardo, has been exhibited at Poetryfilmtage Thüringen 2020. "Architekturen des Weggehens" (with I. Gallardo, G. Acuña and A. Abdollahi), has received the Zebra Poetryfilmfestival Award 2021.



2019. Todo boca arriba. Perspectivas sobre la poesía actual de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, Ediciones Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla.

2018 (with Jenny Haase y Susanne Schlünder). La Hispanística y los desafíos de la globalización en el siglo XXI. Frankfurt y Madrid: Vervuert.

2013. (with Susanne Klengel). Sondierungen. Lateinamerikanische Literaturen im 21. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt und Madrid: Vervuert

2011. Gegen(-)Abwesenheiten. Memoria-Generationen und mediale Verfahrensweisen kontra erzwungenes Verschwinden (Argentinien 1976-1996-2006)


Journal articles and book chapters (selection of last 5 years)

2021. Ojo cielo: Las poéticas hispanófonas de la aviación  en el contexto de las (neo-)vanguardias transatlánticas. Dossier. (Orbius Tertius,

2021. "Selbstübersetzung und anderer Schmuggel - Wayuunaiki-Spanisch-Deutsch (und Englisch)“. En Birgit Neumann (ed.), Die Sichbarkeit der Übersetzung, Tübingen, pp. 135-156

2021   Co-autora de Zukunft, gefaltet. Choreographien des Als-Ob. Ed. Jörg Dünne et al. Weimar 2021

2021 “No hay que castigar la literatura con cualquier presente – la poesía en tiempos de pandemia” - Interview mit Yanko González. (publicación con estudinates).  Hispanorama 171/ 1 2021, pp.25-29

2020 “Mittel Metapher: Infektiöse Kommunikation in Zeiten biopolitischer Verkettung“. PhiN Beiheft 24/2020

2019. “Nictografías unamunianas: de la muerte pensada a medias al miedo mortal poetizado”, en Berit Callsen (ed.): Escrituras del Yo en Unamuno, Berlin: Peter Lang, 73-120.

2019. The western baptism of Yurupary: an amazonian foundation myth and its trajectory in translation“, en F. Martínez Pinzón und J. Uriarte, eds. Intimate Frontiers. Amazonian Modernities, Cambridge: Liverpool University Press, 208-226.

2018. “Dormir en tiempos globalizados: sujeto, sueño y tiempo en la mirada de María Zambrano sobre Latinoamérica”, en Rike Bolte, Jenny Haase, Susanne Schlünder (eds.), La Hispanística y los desafíos de la globalización en el siglo XXI, Vervuert, 267-289.

2018. “Cómic y memoria: estrategias mnemotécnicas del arte secuencial en Latinoamérica”, en Katja Carrillo Zeiter y Christoph Müller (eds.): Historias e historietas: representaciones de la historia en el cómic latinoamericano, Vervuert, 221-254.

2018. “Ante la cámara lúcida de la memoria. Divisiones y uniones fotográficas entre descendientes de víctimas y victimarios de la guerra de España – y su amplio marco medial y transcultural”, en Memoria y Narración. Revista de estudios sobre el pasado conflictivo de sociedades y culturas contemporáneas, 76-113.

2017. “Voces en off: sobre el desplazamiento del decir poético frente a la violencia. Manca de Juana Adcock y Antígona González de Sara Uribe”, in Tintas. Quaderni di letterature iberiche e iberoamericane 7, 59-79.

2017. “World literature a lomo de burro: sobre la universalidad y la medialidad de las fórmulas poéticas de Platero y yo (elegía andaluza) (1914), en Gesine Müller y Jorge Locane (eds.) Poesía española en el mundo, Frankfurt, Vervuert, 61-80.

2017. “Estrategias y enlaces de Diario de una Princesa Montonera. 110% Verdad (2009-2012-****) de Mariana Eva Perez, en Emilia Perassi et al, Donde no habite el olvido. Herencia y transmisión del testimonio en Argentina, Milano, Universidad de Milano), 79-97.

2017. “Glifos y superficies para una escritura de la ausencia. El astersico en Diario de una princesa montonera. 110% de verdad, de Mariana Eva Perez, y la nieve en Los topos de Féliz Bruzzone”, en Jordana Blejmar, Mariana Eva Perez, Silvana Mandolessi (eds), El pasado inasequible. Desaparecidos, hijos y combatientes en el arte y la literatura del nuevo milenio. Buenos Aires, 152-172.

2016. “Imágenes de la desaparición. Acerca de las series fotográficas de Helen Zout, Julio Pantoja y Lucila Quieto)”, en Liliana R. Feierstein y Lior Zylberman, Narrativas del terror y de la desaparición, Buenos Aires,. 53-71


Research project as CALAS fellow

Title: Asbestos: the silent crisis - Languages against the danger of a 'miracle' mineral in the context of extractivist colonialism and pollution

Summary: The project investigates the manifestations against polluting environmental colonialism, articulated in the cultural field and especially in the language (and poetic language). Understanding that fictions are already a "means of observation" for environmental discourses (Beckert 2016), we suppose that poetry, although it operates in a more codified way, helps to understand the problem of the invisible and impalpable that determines some environmental and pollution crises, in this case, the asbestos crisis.

"Asbestos: the silent crisis" encompasses a global theme framed in the great context of extractive histories and their (neo-)colonial implications, to focus on its Latin American manifestation and, in empirical terms, in a local case set in Buenos Aires. The analytical interest in this situation from cultural studies starts from a series of terminological and phenomenological questions and also takes into consideration the data from the exact sciences around asbestos. The project is therefore interdisciplinary, but it will not fail to focus on the role of language, publicist, poetic, and also performative in the fight against asbestos. Starting from the base that the poetic language is based on an already traditional poetic extraction and alchemy, the project offers the space to study the evocations and geo-speculative reflections that are peculiar to anthropocene poetry (Falb 2015) -and that at the same time adapt to a more concrete fight against environmental crises.

Entrevista con Rike Bolte sobre su proyecto de investigación

Cono Sur y Brazil