Pablo Alabarces (Buenos Aires, 1961) has a degree in Literature (University of Buenos Aires), Magister in Sociology of Culture (National University of San Martín), and Doctor of Sociology (University of Brighton). He is a Titular Professor of Popular Culture at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, where he directed his Ph.D. between 2004 and 2010, and Senior Researcher at CONICET. His research includes studies on popular music, popular cultures, and soccer cultures. He is considered one of the founders of Latin American sports sociology and one of the greatest specialists in violence and sports. He has published fourteen books: among them, Fútboll y Patria (2002), Resistencias y mediaciones. Estudios sobre cultura popular (2008), Peronistas, populistas y plebeyos (2010) and the last one, Historia Mínima del Fútbol en América Latina, published in 2018 by El Colegio de México. His book Héroes, Machos y Patriotas, from 2014, won the Second National Prize for Sociological Essay in Argentina (2019).
Monographs (selection)
2020. Pospopulares. Las culturas populares después de la hibridación. Guadalajara: CALAS / Editorial Universitaria.
He has published fourteen books: the last one, Historia Mínima del Fútbol en América Latina (2018), published in Mexico by El Colegio de México. The most important: Fútbol y Patria (2002), translated into German in 2010 as Für Messi sterben? Der Fußball und die Erfindung der Argentinischen Nation, Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.
Articles / Chapters (selection)
To date, he has published 81 articles in scientific journals: 63 as an author, 18 in collaboration; 56 in international publications, 25 national; 19 in electronic publications; He has published in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian and German.
His latest published works are:
2017. “Textos populares y prácticas plebeyas. Tres modos de seguir leyendo a Jesús Martín Barbero”. En: André Dorcé y Omar Rincón (coords): Néstor García Canclini-Jesús Martín Barbero. Más allá de las mediaciones y la hibridación, número especial 2017 de Versión, Estudios de Comunicación y política, año 27: 317-338.
2018. “Football, musique et narcissisme: quelques conjectures sur la chanson «Brésil, dis-moi ce qu’on ressent»”. En: Sociétés. Revue Des Sciences Humaines et Sociales 140 (2). 87-99.
2018. “De Maradona a Messi: viejos y nuevos argumentos sobre el héroe deportivo y la patria”. En: Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary 11. 26-43.
2018. “Football and Stereotypes: Narratives of Difference between Argentina and Brazil”. En: Bulletin of Latin American Research 38 (2). 1-14.
2017. Pablo Alabarces y Felipe Trotta: “Introduction to the Special Issue: Music and Subalternity through the Popular and Periphery, or How to Use Popular Music for Several Debates at the same Time”. En: Journal of World Popular Music 4 (2). 142-151.
Además Ha publicado 68 capítulos en libros: 57 como autor, 11 en co-autoría; 40 internacionales, 28 nacionales. Sus últimos trabajos publicados son:
2019. “Popular”. En Olaf Kaltmeier, Josef Raab, Mike Foley, Alice Nash, Stefan Rinke, Mario Rufer (coords): The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas. Londres: Routledge. 508 pp.: 1-16.
2018. “Peronistas, populistas y plebeyos: ocho entradas”. En: Jorge E. Brenna B. y Francisco Carballo E. (coords): América Latina: de ruinas y horizontes. La política de nuestros días, un balance provisorio. Ciudad de México: Bonilla Artigas Editores; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco. 654 pp.: 231-250.
2018. Pablo Alabarces, José Garriga Zucal, Verónica Moreira, Gabriela Garton y María Nemesia Hijós: “Argentina”. En J.M. De Waele et al. (coords.): The Palgrave International Handbook of Football and Politics, Londres: Palgrave Macmillan. 702 pp: 469-484.
2017. “Mass Culture and Mass Society”. En: George Ritzer y Chris Rojek (coords.): The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. London: Routledge. s/p.
2018. “The Popular Culture Turn”. En: Poblete, Juan (coord): New approaches to Latin American studies: culture and power. New York: Routledge. 280 pp.: 50-64.
2017. “Transculturas Pospopulares. El retorno de las culturas populares en las ciencias sociales latinoamericanas”. En Gilberto Giménez (coord): El retorno de las culturas populares en las ciencias sociales. México: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la UNAM. 225 pp.: 127-158.
Research project as a fellow of CALAS
Title: Popular Cultures and Mass Culture in (the crisis of) Latin American Cultural Studies: new discussions in post-neo-populist times?
Abstract: The project proposes to review the traditions of studies on Popular Culture and Mass Culture in the 20th century, as well as their new inflections and possibilities in their intersection with Cultural Studies and Subaltern Studies from the 21st century. Some of my first statements in this regard were recently published (Alabarces, among others, 2017 and 2019). The main objective is to produce a new critical and theoretical balance of the agendas, problems, and challenges of these studies in the current decade (2011-2020), taking into account the difficulties of dialogue between the Latin American studies produced in Latin America and those generated by other academies, and incorporating the debate on the so-called Latin American “populist experiences” between 2000 and 2015, which implied a new bias on the categories at stake: what does “popular culture” mean after populist hegemony? Can we speak of such hegemony? What happened, among others, with the processes of cultural plebeyization?