María Gabriela Lugones

María Gabriela Lugones is a researcher in the Social Sciences area of the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, and a professor of Cultural Anthropology at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. His master’s and doctorate were realized in the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology of the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and continues in the framework of the Laboratory of Research in Ethnicity, Culture and Development (LACED), which gathers interdisciplinary research, with diverse social groups and state devices, in urban and rural contexts of our region.

Based on ethnographic research, under the orbit of an anthropology of management, he studies day-to-day modes of State action, taking steps that emphasize the conjunction between administration and pedagogy, in government exercises that produce knowledge and expertise at different institutional scales. This line of research, developed in different projects since 2000, attempts to describe the production of subjectivities in correlation with forms of subjection statistized, through the study of administrative actions-government actions and state performances in (and of) municipal, provincial and national instances. These inquiries involve observing ways of managing, exploring daily actions of state agents and agencies and their continuous (re) symbolic productions; as well as management exercises on certain segments of the population, consecrated politics, and legally as deserving of protection.


Publications (selection)


2021 (with G. Blazquez, Eds.). Celebrar. Una antropología de la fiesta y la performance. Córdoba: Editorial UNC.

2021 (with M. C. Díaz, A. Liarte Tiloca, S. M. Romero, Comps.). Sobrevivencias escritas II. Córdoba: Editorial de la Facultad de Lenguas UNC.

2019 (with M.C. Díaz, Comps.). Sobrevivencias escritas I. Córdoba: Editorial de la Facultad de Lenguas UNC.

2012. Obrando en autos, obrando en vidas. Formas y fórmulas de Protección Judicial en los tribunales Prevencionales de Menores de Córdoba, Argentina, a comienzos del siglo XXI. Río de Janeiro: Editora E-papers


Journal artícles and book chapters

2022. De cómo reciprocar. En S. Corona Berkin (Coord.): La horizontalidad en las instituciones de producción de conocimiento: ¿Perspectiva o paradoja?. México: Gedisa.

2022. “Poder Tutelar”. En M. Rufer (Coord.) Poscolonialismo/Decolonialidad: Conceptos Clave desde América Latina. México: Ed. CLACSO y Siglo XXI Editores.

2022. “Julio Nazareno. Una semblanza del presidente de la Corte menemista”. En: Forlando, Federico (ed.) La Corte Nazareno I. Buenos Aires: AdHoc.

2020. “Artesanías estatales: prácticas y saberes psi (des)contextualizadas” en C.R. Sampaio, C.F.B. de Oliveira, M. Therense, A. Beiras (Coord.) Psicología Social Jurídica. Novas perspectivas da psicología na interface com a justica. Curitiba: Editora CRV.

2019 (with M. L. Tamagnini). “Un panorama sobre la fórmula Buenas Prácticas” (Córdoba, Argentina) en C.C. Teixeira, A. Lobo, L. E. Abreu (Coord.). Etnografias das instituições, práticas de poder e dinâmicas estatais. Brasilia: LEIPP, UNB/ABA.

2019 (with C. González Gragnolino). “El patrocinio en las familias judiciales. Sobre las carreras judiciales en los tribunales cordobeses del siglo XX”. (En)Clave Comahue Revista Patagónica de Estudios Sociales, N° 25. Disponible en

2018. “¿Matronato? Gestiones maternales de protección estatal”. Cadernos Pagu [online]. (51).

2017. “Escucha y hospitalidad”. Calibán: Revista Latinoamericana de Psicoanálisis, 15 (1) (“Intimidad”), FEPAL – Federación Psicoanalítica de América Latina.

2017 (with L. Navallo). “Un proceso de reformas legales e institucionales como drama social”. En C.A. Kessel,, G.S. Aguierre (Comps.) Juicio, Proceso y Drama. Ensayos sobre estética y filosofía del derecho. Aldina Editorial Digital, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

2016 (with G. Blázquez). “De cómo no infamar. Reflexiones en torno del ejercicio de escribir sobre vidas ajenas”. En: F. Gorbach y M. Rufer (Coords.) (IN) Disciplinar la investigación. Archivo, trabajo de campo y escritura. México: Siglo XXI- UAM.

2014. “(In)credulidades compartidas. Expedientes para observar administraciones estatales”. En: A. Souza Lima, S.R. Rodríguez Castillo y C.C. Texeira (Coord.) Antropologia das Práticas de Poder. Reflexoes etnográficas entre burócratas, elites e corporaçoes. Río de Janeiro: Contra Capa.

2014. “En torno de la tutela. Una aproximación a la literatura académica argentina referida a “menores”. En: A. Souza Lima (Coord.) Tutela. Formação de Estado e Tradições de Gestão no Brasil. Río de Janeiro: LACED / Editora E-papers.

2012. “Actuaciones de „pequeñas juezas‟ en Tribunales de Menores en lo Prevencional y Civil de Córdoba, Argentina, a comienzos del siglo XXI”. Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 395 (18).>

2012 (with M. Rufer). “Ausencia y ambivalencia en una acción ritual: indios que celebran a San Esteban en Sumamao (Santiago del Estero, Argentina)”. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies [vol. 16 2012]


Research project as CALAS fellow

Title: Horizontalize Judicial Powers. Training of agents of the judicial administration in present-day Argentina

Summary: This proposal provides methodological and analytical tools to address in Latin America the crises of the legitimacy of judicial administrations marked by disenchantment with "Justice", mistrust in their procedures, the disbelief in the independence of its judges and the appellant’s claim for judicial reforms. The democratic development of the region is based on the strengthening of judicial powers to ensure the realization of the fundamental rights of our peoples and, in particular, their most precarious segments. Argentina is a fertile empirical and reflective reference point for measuring the crises of the Latin American judicial powers, considering the strong demands and social mobilizations that, in the recent past and the present, question the autonomy and transparency of their actions.

Given the size of the picture, this project proposes the horizontalization of a neuralgic plane of judicial powers: the training of their agents. Horizontalizing implicates cooperative research that helps to create training instances not limited to the transmission of expert knowledge or a dialogue between specialists and doctrinaires. Horizontalize establish conversations between judicial administrators and people who have gone through experiences of judicialization of their daily lives, their family configurations, their health and residence, their work activities, their consumption practices, their illegal behavior, and the violence suffered. Horizontalize, to reconvert these experiences and judicialized trajectories into knowledge that contributes to the transformation of the judicial branch through questioning the administrators.

Horizontalizing is also designing training actions that are not aimed primarily at judges or future magistrates, ignoring the "small judges" who are the protagonists of administrative actions in court routines. Horizontalizing is learning to listen to how it is administered judicially in the provinces of the Argentine interior. All this is in the conviction that it is crucial to attend to the training of judicial administrators since inequalities can be reduced or accentuated in the delivery of "Justice".
