Jorge Orlando Blanco

Jorge Orlando Blanco (PhD, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito,) is a full-time professor of Social Sciences and honorary professor of the Master's Degree Education for Peace at the Universidad Distrital, Bogotá. He is member of the Amautas Research Group for Critical Pedagogies and Subjects' Training. He has been Professor of the Escuela Superior de Administración Pública; the Universidad Central del Ecuador; the Universidad de La Salle, the Escuela Superior de Guerra. His lines of work and publications have focused on the study of Colombian Democracy on the basis of power relations and struggles for hegemony; social and political history of Colombia, Comparative Politics of the Andean countries. He is also interested in researching social movements and political parties in a comparative perspective, the history of education in Colombia and educational policies as well as Media, Globalization and Human Rights.


Publications (Selection)

2020. La democracia colombiana en tiempos de movilización social ¿Manifestaciones de una crisis orgánica”, en Revista Ecuador Debate, No. 109, pp. 81-107.

2019 (con Acosta, R. y Guzmán, P. J.). “Aprendizaje de Normas en la Escuela: Sentidos y significados desde una lectura multiescalar. Estudio del caso Colegio Benjamín Herrera”, en Revista republicana, 27, 167-188.

2018. Los límites de la revolución en el socialismo del siglo XXI. Las élites empresariales en las luchas por la hegemonía en los gobiernos de Evo Morales y Rafael Correa. Tesis Doctoral, FLACSO, Quito.

2017 (con Duarte, Laura y Aragón, Marcela).  “Neoliberalismo y Escuela. Transformaciones de la escuela a partir de las políticas neoliberales en Colombia”, en Revista Republicana, 23, Julio-Diciembre, 47-82.

2014. “Educación superior, Crédito educativo y equidad en Colombia”, en Revista diálogo de Saberes, 40, Enero-Julio, 139-158.


Research project

Title: "State power, private power. Economic elites and legislative power in Colombia, 2002-2019"

Abstract: The project seeks to analyze the relations between economic-business elites (business associations and economic groups) and the legislative power in Colombia during the period between 2002 and 2019. The study refers to the idea that the role of the Colombian parliament in regulating the Colombian economy has remained obscure. In this sense, t6he project seeks to fill a gap in the literature that allows approaching the complexity of the relations between economic elites and the state beyond "executive-centric" perspectives. To this end, the study aims at characterizing the constitution of the parliament; that is, the political groups and the relations that they establish with economic elites. I will analyze the strategies of the elites to seek to influence the legislative power, particularly in the production of legislation favorable to their interests: deregulating the processes of capital accumulation, principally. A qualitative study will be carried out, based on primary documentary sources (interviews, analysis of the national press, minutes of Congress and Chamber) and secondary sources (analysis of the development of the economic reforms that took place in the period under study and the ways in which these passed through the Colombian parliament).

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