Gabriela Delamata

Gabriela Delamata has a degree in Political Science, Lawyer and PhD in Political Science and Sociology. She is an Independent Researcher at CONICET based at the Instituto de Investigaciones Políticas (School of Politics and Government of UNSAM and CONICET), Vice-Director of the IIP and Professor of Political Sociology at the EP&G and EIDAES of UNSAM. Much of her work deals with social and legal mobilization on issues of environment, habitat, citizenship and dispute for rights. She has published books, chapters and articles in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, United States, England and Mexico. 

Selected publications

2023. Juridificación, democracia y participación ambiental, en co-autoría con Lucas Christel. En Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Cecilia Gárgano y Lucas Christel (coords.), ¿De la sustentabilidad al desarrollo? Entre el extractivismo verde y la transformación socioambiental, Buenos Aires, CLACSO y CALAS.

2023. Judicialización y movilización legal en las villas de Buenos Aires. Efectos estratégicos y legados participativos. En Pilar Arcidiácono y Gustavo Gamallo (comps.), La otra ventanilla. Judicialización de conflictos sociales en Argentina, Buenos Aires, Eudeba.

2019. ¿Intereses económicos en la protesta ambiental? Marcos de interpretación y coaliciones sociales en las movilizaciones ambientales contra sectores extractivos de recursos naturales en Argentina. En   Política & Sociedad (Madrid) Vol. 56 N. 1.

2015. From international legality to local struggle. How and why human rights matter to social movements in Argentina. En Breno Bringel y José Maurício Domingues (eds.), Global Modernity and Social Contestation, Londres, Sage.

2014. Contestación social y acción legal. La (otra) disputa por los derechos. En Sudamérica. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Mar del Plata), año 3, N. 3.

2013. Movimientos sociales, activismo constitucional y narrativa democrática en la Argentina contemporánea. En Revista Sociologias (Porto Alegre) 15/32.


Research project at CALAS

Title: Language of rights and legal mobilization: new strategic identities among workers excluded from the formal economy. The case of popular economy workers in Argentina.

Abstract: Within the field of social mobilizations that use rights and law to control politics and transform power, we propose to take the inquiries to the world of labor, in particular to labor informality, a widespread sector in Latin America and within which the self-identification of workers excluded from the formal labor market as "subjects of rights" allows us to glimpse a great strategic change in the identities and in the matrix of labor citizenship. The case we analyze is that of the CTEP/UTEP in Argentina, a nucleus of workers excluded from the formal labor market, coming from social movements originated in the contestation to the labor exclusion process of the 1990s, who created in the 21st century a comprehensive concept of the economic activities they develop and, through legal mobilization, obtained state recognition of wage (2016) and union rights (2021). Some of the questions we ask ourselves are: how are the rights of workers in the popular economy constructed? what changes are produced in the matrix of labor citizenship from the recognition of legal status to workers in the popular economy? what social consequences has the legal mobilization of the sector had? under what conditions is strategic legal mobilization transformative of institutions and integration?


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