Fernanda Oliveira de Souza

Fernanda Oliveira de Souza is a biologist from Universidade de Campinas, Unicamp in Brazil. Afterwards earning a Master degree on transdisciplinary Environmental studies from both the Technical University of Cologne, Germany (TH-Köln) and the Autonomous University of San Luís Potosí, Mexico (UASLP). She has been working with political education and as project coordinator, as for example at Allerweltshaus Köln with the project Dekolonial.

Currently works as a scientific coordination for the The Knowledge Laboratory "Strategic identities and crises in Latin America. Processes and tensions", which thematizes the notions and interrelationships of identities and crises in Latin America from an interdisciplinary approach between social sciences, humanities and art. She is employed by the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena in and mainly works at the Maria Sybilla Merian Center of Advanced Latin-American Studies (CALAS) in Guadalajara, Mexico.


Main interest & work areas

Antiracism educational work & Intersectionality

(Post-) & (De-)Colonialism

Territoriality, Ecology and Eco-feminisms



2024. “Southern Cone - Colonial Period”. In: Gerardo Gutiérrez Cham, Olaf Kaltmeier, Elisa Rahskin y Arturo Camacho (coords.): Images of the Anthropocene. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press.

2024. “Cono Sur - Periodo Colonial”. En: Gerardo Gutiérrez Cham, Olaf Kaltmeier, Elisa Rahskin y Arturo Camacho (coords.): Imágenes del Antropoceno. Buenos Aires: CLACSO.

2023. Fernanda Oliveira de Souza, Claudia Hammerschmidt, Luciana Anapios, Claudia  Tomadoni y Sofía Espul (coords.): América Latina en discusión. Una apuesta por las metodologías horizontales. Guadalajara: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara.

2023. Claudia Tomadoni, Fernanda Oliveira de Souza y Sofia Espul. “Propuestas disruptivas hacia diálogos horizontales. #UnNoCongreso”. En: Hammerschmidt, Claudia (et al.): América Latina en discusión. Una apuesta por las metodologias horizontales. Guadalajara: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara. 18-31.

2015. "500 Jahre Großgrundbesitz. Der Código Florestal und das Recht auf Land". ila 385, S. 17–18.

2011. (with Leila da Costa Ferreira, Rafael D’Almeida Martins, Fabiana Barbi, Lúcia da Costa Ferreira, Leonardo Freire de Mello, Alberto Matenhauer Urbinatti). "Governing Climate Change in Brazilian Coastal Cities: Risks and Strategies". Journal of US-China Public Administration, Vol. 8, No. 1, 51-65.

